Крипто аналитичар каже да би један катализатор могао имати драстичан утицај на КСРП, Полигон, Цхаинлинк и Полкадот

A popular crypto analyst is updating his predictions on a handful of altcoins amid the ongoing bear market.

Pseudonymous trader Altcoin Psycho tells his 10,700 YouTube subscribers that XRP, Полигон (MATIC), Цхаинлинк (LINK), Чилиз (ЦХЗ) и Полкадот (DOT) could plummet by 25-50% if Bitcoin’s (BTC) price takes another big leg down.

However, he notes that Polygon, an Ethereum (ETH) scaling solution, still “looks fine” to him. He predicts it will stay within the $0.70 to $1.00 range. If Bitcoin doesn’t drop down and MATIC consolidates over the next few weeks, the analyst thinks it could surge up to near $2.

Source: Altcoin Psycho

MATIC is trading at $0.881 at time of writing. The 10th-ranked crypto asset by market cap is up nearly 4% in the past 24 hours.

Altcoin Psycho says Chiliz, the platform that powers social token platform Socios.com, should move higher in the short term. He thinks it could move up to the $0.24 range, but he cautions that there’s “a lot of unpredictability” with the asset.

CHZ is trading at $0.182767 at time of writing.

Source: Altcoin Psycho

The analyst also thinks XRP’s chart “looks a little weird,” adding that he expects volatility for the ETH competitor.

[КСНУМКС: КСНУМКС] “Personally, I think that this chops around for another month, to be frank and honest with you. Another several weeks. It’s possible that this maybe mean reverts up, but I think it’s more likely that this just chops around for a while.” 

Source: Altcoin Psycho

КСРП се тргује по цени од 0.38052 долара у време писања. Крипто имовина на 7. месту по тржишној капитализацији порасла је за 0.25% у последња 24 сата.

Conversely, Altcoin Psycho thinks LINK’s chart looks great. He says Chainlink’s 200-day exponential moving average is getting closer to its price and notes that the decentralized oracle network will look good if it can reclaim the $7.50 range. If it does, he says it could skyrocket by 50%.

ЛИНК се тргује по цени од 6.79 долара у време писања. 23. крипто имовина по тржишној капитализацији порасла је за више од 4% у последња 24 сата.

Lastly, the analyst says he’s bearish on Polkadot. He says DOT’s chart indicates that it could drop all the way to $3.50. Polkadot is trading at $5.45 at time of writing.

Source: Altcoin Psycho


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Featured Image: Shutterstock/aanbetta

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/11/24/crypto-analyst-says-one-catalyst-that-could-have-drastic-impact-on-xrp-polygon-chainlink-and-polkadot/