Омиљени избори крипто аналитичара: Ориен Нетворк, Фантом и Цардано

Crypto analysts have taken note of the 320% surge in Oryen’s price during its seventh presale phase. They believe it to compete with Cardano and Fantom for market share. Let’s examine these projects to see which one provides the best overall solution.

Цардано (АДА)

The Vasil hard fork recently adopted by Cardano, significantly improved the network’s scalability and effectiveness of smart contracts. Cardano has kept growing throughout the bear market, which is a sign of future success. It keeps drawing more developers seeing as it is a scalable alternative to Ethereum. The volume of transactions on the chain will therefore significantly increase during the next bull run.

Фантом (ФТМ)

Fantom is a blockchain platform that enables the development of scaleable, decentralized apps. It fosters the development and modification of commercial services and apps by using an open-source protocol. FTM, the platform’s native token, is an ERC 20 token that works with a proof-of-stake consensus method to ensure security.

Оријен (ОРИ)

The price of ORY increased progressively from its initial Phase 1 value of $0.05 to $0.21 in Phase 7. Oryen’s $0.35 launch price, lack of vesting, plus an automatic airdrop to holders’ wallets all work to ensure that all ICO buyers have an equal opportunity to profit from the presale.

An yearly fixed APY of 90% is produced by the token’s daily ROI of 0.177%. Most digital currencies have annual percentage yields that are less than this. Additionally, in case of an emergency, a treasury funded with RFV is used to support the ORY floor price. Moreover, Oryen offers a superb staking mechanism that simplifies investing and earning.

The Oryen Autostaking Technic (OAT) makes the crypto market reachable to consumers of all skill levels by eliminating the need for active involvement in stacking. Popular YouTube crypto analysts like Jim crypto ДеФи Гуис have already recognized Oryen’s distinctive qualities and are insisting that it would be a great addition to your investment портфељ.


It’s clear why Oryen, Fantom, and Cardano are the favorites of crypto analysts. However, because of its high APY and distinct strategy, it is projected that Oryen will surpass Cardano and Fantom.

Да бисте добили више информација:

Придружите се претпродаји: https://presale.oryennetwork.io/register

Сајт: https://oryennetwork.io/

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/12/10/crypto-analysts-favorite-picks-oryen-network-fantom-and-cardano/