Крипто аналитичари предвиђају експоненцијални раст за БудБлоцкз (БЛУНТ) у 2023.

The investment landscape in the crypto industry has dramatically evolved over the past year. In the past, reputable crypto investors put their financial backing behind established coins, but many are now looking to newly launched and promising crypto assets. The bearish 2022 has undoubtedly had an impact on the investment strategies of many. 

Last year’s events still reverberate across the industry and are evident in reputable investors’ investment strategies. Bitcoin, Ethereum and other major cryptos finished off 2022 on a quiet note, following bearish trends. For Bitcoin, prices dropped nearly 65%, the second worst annual performance since its 73% drop in 2018. On the other hand, Ethereum prices dipped almost 67.7%. The catastrophic year even got worse after FTX filed for bankruptcy in November. 

Following a dreadful 2022, crypto analysts are now advising investors to back newly launched and promising cryptos like BudBlockz. Some even predict BudBlockz might surpass many veteran coins in the long run. So let us look deeper at what makes BudBlockz such a promising project.


BudBlockz to link growing cannabis to the crypto market

BudBlockz is uniquely positioned as an invaluable bridge between the crypto market and the rapidly growing global cannabis sector. The decentralized ecosystem on Ethereum’s network allows its users to legally buy cannabis for medicinal and recreational purposes from e-commerce cannabis businesses enrolled in its platform.

Using BudBlockz’s native coin, $BLUNT, users can purchase cannabis from dispensaries, farms and factories without revealing their true identities. The cannabis industry is mainly fresh ground, and with several countries legalizing the use of cannabis, BudBlockz is in a top position to link two sectors that many might have thought parallel uniquely. 

BudBlockz to set up dispensaries for uninterrupted supply

To keep a functional business, BudBlockz will set up dispensaries and farms in cannabis-friendly regions to produce top-quality products and maintain a continuous supply for its users. However, BudBlockz’s dispensaries will only be an alternative, and the company will effectively collaborate with cannabis producers on its platform to rapidly expand the ecosystem.

The company also has plans to incorporate users into the lucrative market by allowing them fractional ownership of its dispensaries. Users interested in being partial owners will have to buy an NFT from the platform’s NFT collection, Ganja Guruz, and then complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) process. 


Powerful $BLUNT token

$BLUNT powers the BudBlockz ecosystem and acts as a digital currency across the platform. Platform users leverage $BLUNT to buy cannabis products or the Ganja Guru NFT collection. BudBlockz regularly keeps a fixed number of tokens in circulation by regularly burning tokens. So far, the strategy has paid off, keeping the company deflationary with the token keeping a healthy price rise. 


Investors are always looking for an edge in the crypto space. And with investors looking to put the bearish 2022 behind them, many are turning to promising projects such as BudBlockz to get an early foothold.

Користите промотивни код: БУИБЛУНТ за бонус од 20% на куповину. Важи до 31. јануара.

Купите или сазнајте више о БудБлоцкз (БЛУНТ) на линковима испод:

Званични сајт: https://budblockz.io/

Регистрација у претпродаји:: https://app.budblockz.io/sign-up 

Везе заједнице БудБлоцкз: https://linktr.ee/budblockz

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/01/25/crypto-analysts-predict-exponential-growth-for-budblockz-blunt-in-2023/