Крипто аналитичари предвиђају огроман пораст БудБлоцкз НФТ-а у 2023

BudBlockz’s presence and prospects in the embattled cryptocurrency sector is already being felt. After a successful private sale and Presale of its native token BLUNT, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the project will be a force to reckon with. The new coin will revolutionize how people buy and sell cannabis products in a legal and decentralized way. Likewise, the application of Non-Fungible Token technology continues to strengthen its long-term prospects.

БудБлоцкз NFT Growth Push

The crypto cannabis project is applying NFT technology in its ecosystem to allow people to digitize real-world products while also providing user data security. Ganja Guruz is its NFT collection that comes with a string of benefits for holders. For starters, holders are entitled to fractional ownership of the cannabis market, focusing on cannabis stores, dispensaries and farms.

Гања Гуруз holders will enjoy discount rates on products in stores, and membership in all BudBlockz dispensaries. Users will have to hold any one of the 10,000 Ganja Guruz NFTs in their personal wallets to enjoy fractional ownership and other benefits.

Additionally, BudBlockz is developing an NFT marketplace that will allow community members to create and trade collectibles and fractional ownership of NFTs. The marketplace will be compatible and scalable to compete with other well-established platforms in the market. Unregistered users can access the NFT marketplace and purchase BudBlockz collectibles.


BLUNT is the native token that will make it easy for people to create, purchase, and sell non-fungible tokens in the BudBlockz ecosystem. The token will act as a medium of exchange, facilitating transactions in the ecosystem. It will also act as a governance token, offering holders the right to participate in decision-making on the future project upgrades.

Holders will also be able to use BLUNT tokens on a decentralized exchange platform called BudSwap. The platform will allow people to participate in the дефи space and offers the chance to earn some passive income through staking.

BudBlockz’s Massive Cannabis Opportunity

BudBlockz has also moved to enhance BLUNT’s utility by establishing a cannabis e-commerce platform. The platform will provide a framework for people to purchase cannabis products in a decentralized way. Powered by блоцкцхаин technology, the platform will protect user’s privacy while ensuring transactions are carried out efficiently.

The cannabis e-commerce platform seeks to take advantage of the cannabis legalization drive. As a result, there is a growing demand for platforms that allow people to access an array of cannabis products in line with the online sales trend. In addition, the platform will also enable users to enjoy fractional ownership of cannabis dispensaries and farms.


BudBlockz is the first of its kind to operate a decentralized e-commerce platform for cannabis products. By utilizing blockchain technology to enable peer-to-peer purchasing of cannabis, the project is poised to benefit from the expansion of this sector to a $200 billion marketplace. In addition, its focus on Non-fungible tokens also opens the door for additional growth opportunities.

Да кујете свој БудБлоцкз Гања Гуруз НФТ посетите: https://budblockz.io/nfts

Једном на страници кликните на дугме „Минт Нов“ и повежите свој ЕРЦ20 компатибилни новчаник. Моћи ћете да кујете свој Гања Гуруз НФТ за 0.09 ЕТХ. 

Купите или сазнајте више о БудБлоцкз (БЛУНТ) на линковима испод:

Званични сајт: https://budblockz.io/

Регистрација у претпродаји:: https://app.budblockz.io/sign-up 

Везе заједнице БудБлоцкз: https://linktr.ee/budblockz

Одрицање од одговорности. Ово је плаћено саопштење за јавност. Читаоци треба да обаве сопствену дужну пажњу пре предузимања било каквих радњи у вези са промовисаном компанијом или било којом од њених филијала или услуга. Цриптополитан.цом није одговоран, директно или индиректно, за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно узрокован коришћењем или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у саопштењу за јавност.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/crypto-analysts-predict-massive-surge-for-budblockz-nfts-in-2023/