Власници криптовалута могли би да имају велики утицај на предстојеће америчке изборе, предлаже нова анкета

A new poll commissioned by venture capitalist firm Haun Ventures shows a growing number of voters own cryptos and are more likely to cast their ballots for candidates in the US midterm election who favor blockchain technology. 

According to Morning Consult’s voter преглед in four swing states — New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, and Pennsylvania — nearly one in five voters, or 18%, own cryptocurrency assets and more than half are less likely to vote for candidates who oppose policies supporting Web 3.0.

The pollster defines Web 3.0 as “a decentralized, open, internet where people have more control over their data.”

Haun Ventures, which покренуо in March with $1.5 billion to invest in Web 3.0 products, conducted the poll as it looks to influence US federal regulations on the next generation of the internet based on decentralized blockchain technology.

In a statement co-authored by Haun Venture chief strategy officer Chris Lehane and chief policy officer Tomicah Tillemann, the company says it is now focusing on the midterm elections since the makeup of Congress may determine how the digital technology is regulated. 

“Congress has the potential to set new rules designed for bleeding edge technologies and provide clarity for builders. It’s also why, as a team, we’re turning our focus to the upcoming midterm elections. Specifically, we want to help political leaders on both sides of the aisle understand the growing constituency that cares deeply about the corrosive effects of Big Tech and Big Finance – challenges that [Web 3.0] is uniquely positioned to address.”

The poll finds that while 55% of voters surveyed would be less likely to vote for candidates who oppose policies that enable Web 3.0 – it increases to 65% for just independent voters, those not registered as either Democrat or Republican.

The poll surveyed 800 likely November voters across the four swing states from Sept. 15 to Sept. 20 and has a 3.5% margin of error for all swing states combined. 

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/ридерсупероне/АтласбиАтлас Студио

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/30/crypto-holders-could-have-a-big-impact-in-upcoming-us-midterm-election-suggests-new-poll/