Цене криптовалута настављају да падају, тужба је усмерена на Бинанце.УС, а Целзиус преноси дигиталну имовину у вредности од 320 милиона долара: Ходлер'с Дигест, 12-18.

Долази сваке суботе, Ходлер'с Дигест помоћи ће вам да пратите сваку важну вест која се догодила ове недеље. Најбољи (и најгори) цитати, усвајање и регулација истичу, водеће кованице, предвиђања и још много тога - недељу дана на Цоинтелеграпх-у, у једном линку.

Топ приче ове недеље



Бинанце укида подршку за анонимне Литецоин трансакције

Binance has decided to ban Litecoin (LTC) transactions sent through the most recent MimbleWimble (MWEB) upgrade from its exchange, noting that such transactions would now result in the loss of the related LTC. Binance isn’t delisting LTC entirely, unlike other exchanges that have decided to remove the cryptocurrency. Among its changes, the latest Litecoin MWEB update ushered in privacy features. Binance’s decision to end support for these transactions comes as global crypto regulation remains an ever-present focal point in the industry.


Етхереум бомба са потешкоћама је одложена, али усвајање мреже и даље расте

The difficulty bomb, a key piece of the puzzle in Ethereum’s move to proof-of-stake (PoS), has been delayed. Put simply, the difficulty bomb makes mining on Ethereum’s current proof-of-work (PoW) chain undesireable in order to push everyone over to the PoS chain. Anticipated to occur in August, the move to PoS is has been dubbed The Merge by Ethereum. Ethereum developers recently concluded a successful testnet merge, which simulated how the real Ethereum PoS chain would play out.



72 од 100 најбољих новчића пало је за 90% или више: Ево оних који се задржавају

This week was a tough one for the crypto industry as prices across the board fell in dramatic fashion. Falling below the $1 trillion mark, the crypto industry’s total market cap posted a 24% decline. From their all-time high prices, 72 of the largest 100 crypto assets by market cap have dropped over 90%. During this bear market, even market leaders Bitcoin and Ether have posted 70.3% and 78% losses, respectively, from their all-time highs.


Three Arrows Capital has failed to meet margin calls: Report

Plunging crypto prices and large exposure to the Terra ecosystem debacle have placed significant pressure on Three Arrows Capital (3AC). The Singapore-based hedge fund and venture capital firm reportedly failed to meet margin calls from its lenders. 3AC has reportedly faced more than $400 million in liquidations during the most recent bout of market turmoil and is now considering a bailout, између осталих опција.


Celsius exodus: $320M in crypto sent to FTX, user withdrawals pause

Recent moves by Celsius have fueled speculation in the crypto community as to whether the digital asset lending and staking platform is dealing with its rumored liquidity crisis. In addition to temporarily closing user withdrawals, Celsius has moved hundreds of millions of dollars worth of digital assets around different platforms, such as FTX, with no explanation given. A subsequent report stated that Celsius is recruiting legal consultation.






Победници и губитници


Крајем недеље, биткоин (BTC) је на $20,535, Етер (ETH) На $1,079 XRP at $0.31. Укупна тржишна капа је на $892 милијарде, према на ЦоинМаркетЦап.

Among the biggest 100 cryptocurrencies, the top three altcoin gainers of the week are OKB (ОКБ) at 2.43%, Neutrino USD (УСДН) на 0.94% и хелијум (ХНТ) на 0.65%.  

The top three altcoin losers of the week are Nexo (СЛЕДЕЋИ) at -44.59%, Flow (ФЛОВ) at -38.22% and Monero (КСМР) на -36.20%.

За више информација о ценама криптовалута, прочитајте Цоинтелеграпх анализа тржишта.





Најупечатљивији цитати


“The current situation is good for Bitcoin in the long term, cleansing the market from leverage, scams and dishonest institutions.”

Josef Tětek, Bitcoin analyst and brand ambassador at Trezor


“Executives often don’t agree on very much, but our research shows they overwhelmingly agree on one thing: 95 percent of them believe the metaverse will have a positive impact on their industry.”

Лареина Иее, senior partner at McKinsey & Company


“We recognize that hurt feelings are inevitable in a global organization that is optimizing for team outcomes above individual sentiment.”



“Having been in this industry professionally for eight years, I’m tired of talking about regulations, particularly in the United States.”

Мелтем Демирорс, chief strategy officer for CoinShares


“What is happening with Celsius will have serious repercussions for the industry. It’s a not-insignificant player, and its apparent failure will have ripple effects.”

Mahin Gupta, founder of Liminal


“All too often, people hear that you work in crypto, and they have a preconceived idea of what that looks like.”

Алек Вилсон, co-founder of The Giving Block


Предвиђање недеље 


Трговци биткоинима очекују фазу 'дуге консолидације' сада када се БТЦ тргује испод 21 хиљада долара

Bitcoin’s price took a steep dive this week, falling from $28,000 to below $21,000, according to БТЦ индекс цена Цоинтелеграпх-а. The cryptocurrency continued its freefall over the weekend, plunging below $19,000.

Among the folks analyzing Bitcoin’s price action was Twitter personality Рект Цапитал. “If #BTC continues to hold the orange 200-week MA as support and the black 200-week EMA figures as resistance… $BTC could form an Accumulation Range here, just like in 2018,” the analyst tweeted on June 15. “This would enable multi-month consolidation to even as far as December 2022.”



ФУД недеље 

Бинанце.УС се суочава са групном тужбом због продаје ЛУНА и УСТ

A California lawsuit against Binance’s U.S. branch, Binance.US, has surfaced in the wake of the Terra ecosystem collapse. Among its claims, the suit alleges that LUNC (formerly LUNA) and its UST stablecoin are unregistered securities and that Binance.US does not have proper regulatory registration.


Регулатор у Ајови налаже БлоцкФи-у да плати 943 хиљаде долара због наводне понуде нерегистрованих хартија од вредности

Related to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) action against BlockFi пријављен у фебруару, the firm has now been slapped with a fine of roughly $943,000 by the Iowa Insurance Division. The state regulatory body claims that BlockFi did not have proper registration, in addition to offering and selling unregistered securities. A cease and desist order relating to “making any untrue statement of material facts regarding securities” also accompanied the fine.


Elon Musk gets hit with ‘ridiculous’ $258B Dogecoin lawsuit

A class-action lawsuit aims to squeeze $258 billion out of Elon Musk and two companies he heads, Tesla and SpaceX. The suit points a finger at Musk for allegedly harnessing his status to profit on Dogecoin, which the suit considers to be a pyramid scheme. Multiple digital asset industry figures have bashed the suit.



Најбоље карактеристике коинтелеграфа

Шта други алгоритамски стабилни ковани могу научити из Терриног пада?

The main problem that led to the fall of Terra was that its reserves appeared to be overcollateralized, but in reality, they weren’t.

Како преживети на тржишту медведа? Савети за почетнике

Bear markets represent the most dreaded period in any investment cycle, but there are a few ways to stay ahead and weather the storm.

Централне власти демонизују приватност — крипто пројекти морају узвратити

Despite being a core tenant for many crypto projects, privacy has been demonized by those in power, including lawmakers, regulators, banks and academics.




Source: https://cointelegraph.com/magazine/2022/06/18/crypto-prices-continue-tank-lawsuit-takes-aim-binance-us-celsius-moves-320m-worth-digital-assets-hodlers-digest-june-12-18