Фаллинг Прицес Еие $3 Бреакдовн; Да ли држачи новчића треба да брину?

NEAR price

Објављено пре 8 сати

26. јуна, Неар Протоцол (НЕАР) price faced another reversal from the descending trendline of the falling channel pattern. The bear cycle represented in a series of consecutive red candles indicates aggressive selling in the market. Thus, the selling spear should bolster sellers to pierce the June bottom support of $3.

Кључне тачке: 

  • The NEAR chart shows a fake breakout from the 20-day EMA resistance.
  • The daily-RSI slope trending higher indicates growth in bullish sentiment.
  • The intraday trading volume in the NEAR protocol coin is $260.3 Million, indicating a 0.5% gain.

НЕАР/УСДТ графиконИзвор- Традингвиев

НЕАР/УСДТ technical chart represents its current downward approach following a falling parallel channel pattern. The last bull cycle within this pattern surged the altcoin by 45%, hitting dynamic resistance.

However, in response to the current sell-off, the NEAR price revered from the resistance trendline, indicating the continuation of the prevailing downtrend. Over the past five, the bearish reversal has tumbled price by 21%, which currently trades at $3.46.

Furthermore, the technical set-up should encourage sellers to breach the June bottom support of $3. therefore, the expected downfall could slump the NEAR price by another 28.5%, hitting the $2 psychological level.

Anyhow, it is important to note that the falling channel pattern is a bullish reversal pattern that eventually leads to an overhead trendline breakout, providing a recovery opportunity. Thus, the potential rally may shoot the coin price to $7.5 resistance.

Технички индикатор

РСИ индикатор: Contrary to the falling price, the upswing in the RSI indicator indicates weakness in bearish momentum. This divergence supports the breakout theory for pattern completion.

Bollinger Bands indicator: The coin price showcased a failed attempt by coin buyers to sustain above the indicator’s midline, suggesting the sellers still command the overall trend.

  • Нивои отпора - $4.2 и $4.7
  • Нивои подршке - $3 и $2

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Затвори причу

Source: https://coingape.com/markets/near-price-analysis-falling-prices-eye-3-breakdown-should-coin-holders-worry/