Хедера новчић који се брзо опоравља има за циљ још један скок од 10%; Купи сада?

HBAR coin

Објављено пре 18 сати

11. фебруара, Цена новчића Хедера escaped from a three-week-long consolidation phase with a breakout of $0.077 and $0.083 horizontal resistance. This breakout offers coin buyers some new support levels to bolster further growth. As of now, the altcoin goes through a retest phase by checking price sustainability above the breached resistances. Is this an entry signal?

Кључне тачке:

  • A bullish breakout from $0.083 resistance sets Hedera coin in a 10% rally 
  • A lower price rejection candle at the $0.083 level indicates the buyers are defending the new reclaimed level.
  • The intraday trading volume in the HBAR coin is $80 Million, indicating a 30% loss.

Хедера ЦоинИзвор-Традингвиев

The Hedera coin price has shown near perpendicular growth in the last one and a half months. As a result, the coin price registered 137% growth since January 1st and reached the current price of $0.087 mark.

The coin price breached multiple barriers during this rally and has most recently reclaimed the  $0.077 and $0.083 levels on February 11th. The massive breakout with a high volume surge indicates that buyers are aiming to chase even higher levels.

However, over the past four days, the coin price showed several short-body candles with long rejections attached to both ends. This candle structure indicates uncertainty among market participants. 

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Anyhow, after a sudden breakout, a short retest or correction phase is beneficial for coin holders as it validates sustainability at reclaimed levels. Thus, the interested trades can look for entry opportunities at $0.0836 or $0.077 flipped support.

If the buying pressure persists, the Hedera coin may drive a recovery rally to $0.0992, followed by the $0.11 mark.

On a contrary note, a bearish rejection from $0.0992 could encourage a minor consolidation phase

Тецхницал Индицатор

РСИ: Дневни РСИ нагиб rising high into the bullish territory indicates the underlying bullish momentum is strong.

ЕМАс: THe 20-day EMA support continues to act as dynamic support to rising Hedera coin prices. The buyers can maintain a strong bullish scenario until this EMA is intact.

Унутардневни нивои цене хедера новчића

  • Спот стопа: 0.0784 $
  • Тренд: Буллисх
  • Испарљивост: ниска
  • Нивои отпора - $0.084 и $0.1
  • Нивои подршке - $0.074 и $0.063

Од последњих 5 година радим у новинарству. Пратим блокчејн и криптовалуте у последње 3 године. Писао сам о разним темама, укључујући моду, лепоту, забаву и финансије. раецх ми на бриан (ат) цоингапе.цом

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Source: https://coingape.com/markets/fast-recovering-hedera-coin-aims-for-another-10-jump-buy-now/