Брзо растући алткоин из екосистема Схиба Ину (СХИБ) добија главни листинг крипто берзе уочи објављивања Схибариум-а

A key altcoin in Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) ecosystem is slated to be listed on Gate.io, according to an update from the crypto exchange.

Gate.io, a top 20 exchange with over $800 million in 24-hour trading volume, ажуриран its trading page for ShibaSwap (КОСТ) on Thursday with a countdown to when the altcoin will go live.

BONE will be used for gas fees and governance on Shibarium, the highly anticipated layer-2 project designed to make Shiba Inu more efficient, similar to Polygon (MATIC) on Ethereum (ETH). It’s also the native token for ShibaSwap, a decentralized finance (DeFi) and decentralized exchange (DEX) for the Shiba Inu sphere.

Gatio.io’s BONE listing comes just as ShibaSwap потврђује that the beta version of Shibarium will be released at some point next week.

Датуми лансирања и бета и званичне верзије Схибариум-а били су предмет дебате, а псеудонимни водећи програмер пројекта Шитоши Кусама рекао је да не даје чврсте датуме како би избегао разочарење због потенцијалних кашњења.

Earlier this month, BONE was also listed on Bitget, another crypto exchange of similar size to Gate.io. The Shiba Inu community покренуо a petition to get Binance, the largest crypto exchange in the world, to list BONE in early February, but Binance has yet to respond.

At time of writing, BONE is up 45% in the last 30 days, and just under 10% in the last 24 hours. Doge Killer (ПОВОДАЦ), another altcoin within the Shiba Inu ecosystem is also outperforming the crypto markets, currently up 150% since the start of the year.

LEASH is expected to power Shibaverse, an upcoming non-fungible token (NFT) and metaverse project for the Shiba Inu community. LEASH’s exact utility will be determined closer to the release of Shibaverse.

At time of writing, LEASH is trading for $711 with a market cap of $76 million.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Сергеи Нивенс/карнофф

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/23/fast-rising-altcoin-from-shiba-inu-shib-ecosystem-gets-major-crypto-exchange-listing-ahead-of-shibarium-release/