Пет крипто предпродаја које вреди размотрити: БудБлоцкз и Тамадоге предњаче

Crypto investments can transform your finances for the better and the sooner you embrace the best tokens, the more you stand to earn.

Crypto presales can be something of a minefield to navigate, but there is no doubt that they offer some of the very best opportunities for quick growth. New and experienced investors alike who discover the next big thing before it hits the public crypto exchange can see phenomenal gains.

Finding the gems before the opportunity passes isn’t always easy but the following five should capture every investor’s attention for immediate and long-term gains.

БудБлоцкз (БЛУНТ)

Early BudBlockz investors have already enjoyed a 40% ROI thanks to the initial private sale price of $0.015 per БЛУНТ token. Currently priced at $0.021 in its presale phase, it remains a fantastic choice for investors hoping to identify the next altcoin to grow by 10 or even 100x from its starting price.

BudBlockz is the world’s first decentralized ecosystem dedicated for the cannabis industry. It brings dispensaries, customers, and investors closer together while delivering private yet transparent transactions. It is a much-needed resource for a rapidly growing industry and has seen many experts highlight BLUNT as the token to buy in Q4 – or sooner,

In fact, the token is set to launch with a price of $0.042 once the presale has ended. This will give investors an opportunity to see their investments double within days. With a total supply chain of 420 million, the Ethereum-based asset has already secured over 50,000 backers. It would be foolish to overlook it any longer.

>> Купите БЛУНТ токене овде <

Сазнајте више о БудБлоцкз (БЛУНТ)

Званични сајт: https://budblockz.io

Регистрација у претпродаји: https://app.budblockz.io/sign-up

Телеграм Гроуп: https://t.me/BudBlockz

Дисцорд Сервер: https://discord.gg/s7hBFgvTmN

Све БудБлоцкз везе: https://linktr.ee/budblockz

тамадоге (ТАМА)

With fewer than 10% of the available presale tokens still available, anyone looking to invest in Tamadodge must act fast. It is another dog-based meme coin that hopes to emulate Shiba Inu. It features a play-to-earn platform and Tamaverse that includes games, a leaderboard, and a community vibe. As far as meme coins that make sense due to their fun factor, it is one of the best.

Estate X (ESX)

While BudBlockz is set to support the rapidly growing cannabis industry, Estate X looks to disrupt the real estate sector by offering fractional ownership that makes investments affordable and accessible. A private presale has already started but excited investors can join the list for the presale, which should open soon. If the decentralized platform achieves its goal, ESX will be sure to enjoy an upward trajectory.

BabyapeCoin (BAPE)

Inventors who regretted not joining the Apecoin revolution in 2021 now have a second chance to embrace a decentralized community based on the NFTs depicting digital monkey artwork. While the first collection under BAPE isn’t set until phase three of the company roadmap, investors who get involved in the current first phase will have an opportunity to see maximum growth from their BabyapeCoint purchase while also securing the best NFTs.


Uniglo is currently in phase three of its presale. It is backed by real-world assets that have been split into digitized tokens to blur the line between physical and virtual assets. The roadmap shows that Q4 and Q1 of 2023 will be very busy times with major developments. With over 77 million tokens already sold, it is now the time for enthusiasts to join the community Digital Asset Vault.

Одрицање од одговорности: Било која информација написана у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту не представља савет за инвестирање. Тхецоинрепублиц.цом не подржава и неће подржавати било коју информацију о било којој компанији или појединцу на овој страници. Читаоци се подстичу да сами истражују и предузму било какве радње на основу сопствених налаза, а не на било ком садржају написаном у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту. Тхецоинрепублиц.цом је и неће бити одговоран за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован директно или индиректно коришћењем било ког садржаја, производа или услуге поменуте у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту.

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/09/27/five-crypto-presales-worth-looking-into-budblockz-and-tamadoge-lead-the-way/