Индонезија – 4. земља по броју становника на свету планира да постане крипто престоница Азије

A well visioned regulatory framework & the meteoric rise in the number of блоцкцхаин and crypto projects, has paved way for Indonesia to stake its claim as the crypto capital of Asia

A country with nearly 280 million tech hungry people, one of the largest markets in Asia & a huge unbanked population are the factors driving crypto adoption in Indonesia. According to a recent report, 41% of all Indonesians own crypto. 64% of people in Indonesia believe it’s a hedge against inflation, and 61% of people believe that crypto is the future of money. According to the Министарство трговине, transactions for currencies like Bitcoin grew over 14 times from a total of 60 trillion rupiahs ($4.1 billion) in 2020 to a total of 859 trillion rupiahs ($59.83 billion) in 2021.

This crypto growth in Indonesia is fuelled by many factors, but the most important ones are:

  • Снажна и пријемчива регулаторна подршка владе
  • Брзо усвајање Црипто-а од стране локалних технолошких компанија
  • Сигурно и једноставно трговање криптовалутама

Снажна и пријемчива регулаторна подршка владе

The Indonesian government through its research, community interactions & education programs quickly understood the challenges and opportunities in the crypto trade and introduced their first set of regulations back in 2019. Cryptocurrency trading as a commodity in Indonesia is legal and is officially regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (BAPPEBTI), a body under the Министарство трговине. Its main objective is to provide legal security and to protect the interests of Indonesian crypto consumers. 

Брзо усвајање криптовалута од стране локалних технолошких компанија

Indonesia’s digital sector is set to surpass $150 billion over the next few years. A rapid surge in crypto adoption has compelled the tech sector to incorporate its visions with the crypto future. The cryptocurrency gaming industry is worth billions of dollars due to blockchain technology enabling real-world trading of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). NFT based games are booming in Indonesia and the people are making a living with the play-to-earn blockchain games. Recently, Јавиер Тан, суоснивач и извршни директор ЦРЕОЕНГИНЕ, Indonesia’s leading NFT gaming company commented “Indonesian game developers have started to rise to the spotlight in order to revolutionise the gaming industry in Indonesia. I believe that the crypto ecosystem is playing a vital role in enlarging Indonesian’s gaming economy and gaming communities".

Сигурно и једноставно трговање криптовалутама

Currently there are 17 companies registered and permitted by БАППЕБТИ to exchange cryptocurrencies in Indonesia. Indodax, Indonesia’s leading exchange reported reaching  5,4 million members now, more than 100% increase compared to 2021. Осцар Дармаван, оснивач и извршни директор ИНДОДАКС каже “Легализација крипто имовине у Индонезији је дуг пут и још увек није у потпуности остварен, али напредује глатко и показује се на добром путу. Потребно је да цео екосистем подржи овај покрет како би донео користи целој индустрији. Верујем да Индонезија има потенцијал да буде лидер у развоју блокчејна у Азији". 

To discuss more on these topics & to shed light on the recent guidelines and regulations, Blackarrow Conferences is back post pandemic with the 4th издање њихове водеће конференције 'BLOCKJAKARTA – Crypto 2022 & Beyond'; заказана за 30th јуна у Џакарти у Ритз Цалртон Пацифиц Плаце.


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Senior government ministers, government officers and industry leaders are speaking on the conference giving their expert advise on crucial topics concerning the crypto and digital economy. Catch in on the action on 30th јуна у Џакарти, register your seat now.

Кључне теме конференције укључују:

1. The Potential of Crypto Assets in Enhancing Indonesian Economy.

2. NFTs – Revolutionising the Gaming Industry in Indonesia.

3. Role of CoFTRA in the Regulation of Crypto Trading in Indonesia.

4. Development of the Digital Economy Ecosystem.

5. Web3: Blockchains & Token Based Economics.

6. To the Metaverse & Beyond: The Next Big Leap in Crypto.

и још много тога…

Сајт конференције – https://www.blackarrowconferences.com/crypto2022.html.

Блоцкјакарта 2022 подржавају:

Ministry of Trade, Government of Indonesia  |  Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy, Government of Indonesia  |  INDODAX | CREOENGINE | Yield App | Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia  |  Government Blockchain Association |  Indonesian Crypto Asset Traders Association  |  Indonesian Crypto Consumers Association  |  Frankfurt Blockchain School, Germany  |  Center for Evidence Based Blockchain | Irish Tech News | DailySocial | Bitcoin Insider | Coincodex | ICO Holder | The Cryptonomist | Blockchainmedia.id | Cryptopolitan | CoinQuora | CTv | Blocktides

Join BlockJakarta – Crypto 2022 & Beyond conference to discuss the future of crypto & blockchain and benchmark with peers from government, relevant industry sectors and solutions providers.


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Аутор - Конференције Блацкарров

Tel/whatsapp: +91-9833487628  | Telegram: sarfraz_blackarrow                                  


Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely the author’s opinion and not investment or legal advice – it is provided for educational purposes only.

Одрицање од одговорности. Ово је плаћено саопштење за јавност. Читаоци треба да обаве сопствену дужну пажњу пре предузимања било каквих радњи у вези са промовисаном компанијом или било којом од њених филијала или услуга. Цриптополитан.цом није одговоран, директно или индиректно, за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно узрокован коришћењем или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у саопштењу за јавност.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/indonesia-worlds-4th-largest-populous-country-sets-eyes-on-becoming-the-crypto-capital-of-asia/