ЛБанк Екцханге ће објавити кованице МинтМе.цом (МИНТМЕ) 22. јуна 2022.

LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, will list MintMe.com Coin (MINTME) on June 22, 2022. For all users of LBank Exchange, the MINTME/USDT trading pair will be officially available for trading at 18:00 (UTC+8) on June 22, 2022.

Providing a new and innovative way of crowdfunding, MintMe.com allows anyone to mint a token for free that represents themselves or a project that they have created for their fanbase. Its native token МинтМе.цом Цоин (MINTME) will be listed on LBank Exchange at 18:00 (UTC+8) on June 22, 2022, to further expand its global reach and help it achieve its vision.

Introducing MintMe.com

MintMe.com is a new and innovative way of crowdfunding. In MintMe.com, users can create their own token, or a project focused on their supporters. It’s also a social platform where traders can interact with token creators and other traders. It enables users to create their tokens for free, encourage others to support them, earn and help by supporting their favorite creators, socialize with other creators and traders, and earn through its referral program.

Through MintMe.com, content creators can make their token/coin with just a few clicks, create an order to sell it on the market, and encourage their followers to support them by buying their tokens. Traders can search for a promising content creator with growth potential, buy their token to support the creator, and trade the token once the creator’s value has increased.

MintMe.com Coin team has already made a series of successful hosting projects spread across 5 continents. It is currently used by over 1 million webmasters and viewed by millions of people every month.

About MINTME Token

MintMe.com Coin (MINTME) is a transparent web-mineable blockchain platform made to support Decentralized Applications (DApps), where websites can serve as a hardware-independent alternative to secure ERC20 & ERC223 smart contracts.

Traders will use MINTME to trade people tokens. And on top of that, all token creators who want to tokenize themselves will be using MINTME as a base for their projects. This will guarantee real non-speculative demand for MINTME.

The MINTME token will be listed on LBank Exchange at 18:00 (UTC+8) on June 22, 2022, investors who are interested in the MintMe.com investment can easily buy and sell the MINTME token on LBank Exchange by then. The listing of MIME on LBank Exchange will undoubtedly help it further expand its business and draw more attention to the market.

Learn More about MINTME Token:

Званични сајт: https://www.mintme.com

телеграм: https://t.me/joinchat/Hzio4lCr-95bHcbB1-RX9Q

Дискорд: https://discord.com/invite/uuZXhCn

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/mintmeproject

фацебоок: https://www.facebook.com/mintmeproject

О размени ЛБанк

ЛБанк Екцханге, основана 2015. године, је иновативна глобална платформа за трговање за различита крипто средства. ЛБанк Екцханге својим корисницима пружа безбедно трговање криптовалутама, специјализоване финансијске деривате и професионалне услуге управљања имовином. Постала је једна од најпопуларнијих и најпоузданијих платформи за крипто трговину са преко 7 милиона корисника у више од 210 региона широм света.

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Source: https://ambcrypto.com/lbank-exchange-to-list-mintme-com-coin-mintme-on-22-june-2022/