Водећи Црипто Екцханге МЕКСЦ потписао споразум о стратешком партнерству са Метацаде-ом

London, United Kingdom, 23rd February, 2023, Chainwire

Metacade has signed a strategic partnership agreement with МЕКСЦ, one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges. This follows the news that Метацаде воља list on Bitmart at the end of their presale.

Основан 2018. године, МЕКСЦ (also known as MEXC Global) is a rapidly-growing cryptocurrency exchange with more than 6 million users in over 200 countries, including the USA, Canada and Australia. MEXC is regularly featured as one the top exchanges globally for trading volume. The exchange offers one of the widest ranges of cryptocurrencies with over 1,500+ coins listed on the platform. This MEXC listing agreement is a significant development for Metacade as it will enable the GameFi platform to expand its reach to brand-new investors across the world. 

This will come as welcome news to the vibrant Metacade community already on a high from the impressive success of the current presale, which has raised over $7.3m so far, and follows the recent announcement that MCADE will also be listed on Битмарт, another global cryptocurrency exchange ranked 21st in the CoinMarketCap exchange rankings. Additionally investors will be able to purchase MCADE on a range of decentralized exchanges, including Uniswap.

Russell Bennett, CEO of Metacade said: “The MEXC partnership is fantastic news for Metacade. Being in partnership with such a reputable cryptocurrency exchange will only increase the credibility and trust in the Metacade project. We are very excited for the token to be released to the public.”

Metacade is an innovative platform that merges the worlds of gaming and blockchain technology. It is a community-driven play-to-earn (P2E) arcade that is built on the Ethereum blockchain. It is positioning itself as a hub for gamers and crypto enthusiasts to earn, learn and connect. The ambitious Metacade roadmap shows that the platform has something to keep everyone engaged. 

MCADE, the platform’s native token, will fuel all transactions and activities on Metacade. Players can use it to access pay-to-play games and earn rewards. There will be additional earning opportunities through competitions, tournaments, sharing gaming alpha, and writing reviews. MCADE holders will also have the option to stake their tokens to increase their income.

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MCADE has a fixed total supply of 2 billion tokens, with 70% of these being made available during the presale. The presale opened with the token price of $0.008 and will rise in stages until it reaches $0.02. The first 5 stages have completely sold out, with only 4 stages left remaining. The remaining 30% of tokens are set to be released on exchanges, or reserved for development, liquidity provisions, and competition pool funding.

Metacade, the P2E GameFi platform, has received the seal of approval from renowned blockchain auditing firm, Certik. The platform joins a well-known group of projects, including Polygon, Shiba Inu, and The Sandbox, that have been vetted and deemed trustworthy in the cryptocurrency sphere. Certik utilizes advanced techniques and mathematics to examine the design and code of blockchain ventures. Additionally, the auditing team conducted a thorough KYC check on the Metacade team to confirm their authenticity and enhance the project’s transparency. The complete резултати ревизије can be found on Certik’s website.

О Метацаде

Метацаде је главна дестинација за игре у метаверзуму. Као прва Веб3 аркадна игра у заједници која омогућава играчима да се друже, деле знање о игрицама и играју ексклузивне П2Е игре. Платформа нуди корисницима више начина за генерисање прихода, изградњу каријере у Веб3 и повезивање са широм заједницом игара. 

Метацаде ће бити јединствена дестинација за кориснике да играју, зарађују и повезују се са другим страственим играчима широм света. Када пројекат дође до краја своје мапе пута, Метацаде ће бити предат заједници као пуноправни ДАО. На крају крајева, Метацаде жели да учествујете у обликовању ГамеФи света сутрашњице.

вебсајт | Бели папир  | социалс


Русселл Беннетт
[емаил заштићен]

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2023/02/23/leading-crypto-exchange-mexc-signs-strategic-partnership-agreement-with-metacade/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=leading-crypto-exchange-mexc-signs-strategic-partnership-agreement-with-metacade