Већина институционалних инвеститора купује криптовалуте због „високог потенцијала раста“

Majority of institutional investors buy crypto because of its 'high potential upside'

Иако сектор криптовалута has been going through some difficult times since the year’s turn, data has revealed that the interest of инвеститори, especially those on the wealthier end of the spectrum, in its assets is not waning.

As it happens, professional and wealthy investors are still buying crypto assets this year and are interested in buying them in the future, according to an annual survey carried out by Fidelity Digital Assets, ЦНБЦ’s Kate Rooney рекао у октобру КСНУМКС.

Specifically, the ‘2022 Institutional Investor Digital Assets Study’ found that six in ten (58%) of institutional investors said they bought digital currencies in the first half of the year, even as Bitcoin (BTC) fell about 60% during the same period.

As the top reason for buying, over 40% of the investors interviewed in Fidelity’s study cited the digital assets’ high potential upside or innovative tech play; interestingly, despite the often-mentioned correlation with the берза, a quarter of institutional investors believe that crypto is uncorrelated to other assets, which they see as an advantage.

Institutional crypto buyers. Извор: ЦНБЦ

High-net-worth investors drive the results

Among the buyers, high-net-worth investors are in the lead, with 48% saying they invested in crypto, followed by финансијски advisors at 37% and family offices at 25%. Pension funds and endowments had the lowest allocation as they tend to be the most risk-averse of the group.

Crypto investment study results. Source: ЦНБЦ

On top of that, the study has found that 74% of the high-net-worth respondents said they planned to invest in crypto in the future, representing a substantial increase from 31% year-over-year (YoY).

Asked for a comment on the study results, Fidelity’s Head of Research has told Rooney that these clients tend to be longer-term investors willing to wait for some of those other use cases to play out.

Reasons for (not) investing

As the top reason for buying, over 40% of the investors interviewed in Fidelity’s study cited the digital assets’ high potential upside or innovative tech play; interestingly, despite the often-mentioned correlation with the берза, a quarter of institutional investors believe that crypto is uncorrelated to other assets, which they see as an advantage.

У исто време, а другачија студија дао сличне резултате, са а Блоомберг МЛИВ Пулсе анкета која извештава да 56% професионалних инвеститора и даље жели да се упусти у криптовалуте, упркос Комисији за хартије од вредности и берзу Сједињених Држава (ДИК) интензивирање своје правне делатности у простору.

odricanje: Садржај на овом сајту не треба сматрати саветом за инвестирање. Улагање је шпекулативно. Када инвестирате, ваш капитал је у опасности. 

Source: https://finbold.com/majority-of-institutional-investors-buy-crypto-because-of-its-high-potential-upside/