Нови Схиба Ину (СХИБ) алткоини који се тихо припремају за лансирање – Ево крипто пројеката испод радара који долазе ове године

The hype over Shiba Inu’s layer-2 blockchain Shibarium has obscured another big development in the works for the Dogecoin competitor – the coming launch of two new ecosystem tokens.

Lead developer Shytoshi Kusama says one incoming addition to Shiba Inu’s ecosystem is a rewards-based token called Treat (TREAT).

tim одлучио to build Treat after the community voted to make Bone ShibaSwap (КОСТ) a core component of Shibarium.

“Recently, the community did a vote that reserved the allocation of BONE for the production of validators and processes within Shibarium, leaving a question for the community: What will be available for rewards for everyone else? For this we have Treat.

Treat will not only serve this purpose, but will derive rewards for the Metaverse, and the blockchain version of the Shiba Collectible Card Game… This is a huge step in the final landing of this massive project to full decentralization.”

The second official Shiba Inu ecosystem altcoin in the works is a stablecoin called Shi (SHI).

Kusama says the team is focused on avoiding issues that have plagued a myriad of stablecoins, including the epic failure of Terra Luna’s TerraUSD (UST).

“Needless to say Shi is a concern after watching other stable tokens collapse and billions in dollars get wiped off the market completely…

So as for Shi, we’ve seen independent development from a group of developers in our decentralized network. They’ve submitted a version of Shi that seems to avoid the issues found in other moonshots, while allowing Shi to be used to counter and balance payments that need to be done without market fluctuations.

This will be an experimental protocol, like everything decentralized that Shib does, and a more detailed and complex set of information will be released about this token as it is finalized.”

Both projects are set for launch this year, although exact dates have not been released.

The current list of official tokens in the Shiba Inu ecosystem is Shiba Inu (SHIB) itself, Bone ShibaSwap (КОСТ), which will be used to pay for gas fees on the scalable Shibarium network, and LEASH (ПОВОДАЦ), a mysterious token whose official use case is morphing and shrouded in secrecy.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Фраме Стоцк Фоотаге/ЦХИАРИ ВФКС

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/25/new-shiba-inu-shib-altcoins-quietly-gearing-up-for-launch-here-are-the-under-the-radar-crypto-projects-coming-this-year/