Играјте да зарадите, научите да зарадите – неочекивани начини да зарадите крипто

It’s not just buying and mining – several ways to earn virtual coins are making their way, and Play-to-Earn and Learn-to-Earn are just the methods of the moment.

Play-to-Earn (P2E) and Learn-to-Play are viable solutions for someone with little to no experience in trading or mining. But don’t assume they don’t require anything in return – it’s your time and attention.

In the P2E case, you must play games demanding strategic actions. P2E is a novel concept in the gaming industry that lured numerous players, and it’s understandable. Unlike traditional games, based on a pay-to-earn idea, P2E games offer people real opportunities to earn goods, including non-fungible tokens (NFTs), money, and cryptocurrencies. This, of course, depends on their advancement in the game. While some games might be based on PvP (player vs. player) fights, some require extraordinary tactics, so gamers have to put their mind to it.

With Lean-to-Earn, you have to read educational articles, watch animated videos, and take quizzes that evaluate what you’ve learned. Some reputable exchanges give users this incentive to drive visitors to their platform.

Find out more about these state-of-the-art methods to earn crypto in the following:

Плаи то-Еарн

Play-to-Earn is about to revolutionize the gaming industry, with thousands of opportunities for players to earn digital goods, including cryptocurrencies and NFTs. These rewards can also come in the form of in-game assets, such as avatars, virtual lands, weapons, or any helpful features that can help you advance through the game. P2E games involve battles between players or strategies that urge you to put your mind to it. As increasingly more games have come into existence, players have access to various applications so that they can choose something suitable for their needs and expectations. Many games let users sell their gains if they no longer need them or have finished the game.

The Rising Success of P2E

Play-to-Earn is redefining the future of gaming, creating a novel type of Metaverse economy, but it, however, doesn’t change the future of labor where the build characterizes the gamers. Crypto-native teams develop many P2E games, so the possibility of earning crypto by playing games is real.

This is perhaps the main reason P2E has surged in popularity lately, becoming players’ center of attention. And it’s only normal – blockchain transforms anything it touches. This technology is about to change gaming, apart from revolutionizing industries like art and music. Thus, the gaming business model switched from pay-to-play to play-to-earn. Indeed, there are P2E games that demand individuals to buy some game features before starting playing, but there are also multiple free games.

Unlike traditional gaming companies that own any in-game items or features and can take purchases from users at any time, P2E companies promote an economy based on collecting revenue and reallocating profits as rewards to gamers for their progress through the game levels. Overall, money isn’t collected by large corporations but by players.

In P2E games, players collect goods, typically NFTs, which can be sold on several platforms in exchange for cryptocurrency or fiat currency. Players can also gain the games’ native currency. In Axie Infinity, for example, there’re Axies (in-game creatures in the form of NFTs). These Axies can be swapped, traded, or bought, so how you use these digital goods is only up to you. If you choose to sell them in exchange for crypto and keep them for the long term, it’s advisable to store them in a safe crypto wallet. Companies like ААГ provide users with a secure place to store their crypto assets and many more features that smoothen interactions with Play-to-Earn and, in general, blockchain apps and Metaverse environment.

Popular P2E Games

Акие Инфинити

Axie Infinity is the definition of P2E – it involves acquiring and breeding Axies, cute Pokemon-like creatures used in fights and traded for Bitcoin. You may want to win SLP (Smooth Love Potion), Axie Infinity’s native currency, to advance through game levels and make money from your gameplay.

Богови необрађени

This game, reminiscent of “Slay the Spire”, is all about strategy. Players must outsmart their enemies by setting up strong enough decks to fight opponent tactics. Cards are crucial features in this game, as they help you build robust strategies and thus advance through the game. So, you may want to win cards such as Gwent, “Yu-Gi-Oh”, and “Magic: The Gathering” to assure your place in Богови необрађени and also be rewarded with crypto.


This card game involves purchasing, trading, and selling digital player cards that exist on Ethereum. There’re more than 100 licensed football teams to choose from and play with in order to win competitions. You may have already guessed – these competitions are rewarded with digital collectible cards and cryptocurrencies.

Научите да зарадите

The Learn-to-Earn concept has surged in popularity lately, but this should come as no surprise – you can earn tokens simply by learning about them. Companies that provide users with cryptocurrencies are typically exchanges, and one of the reasons they reward people with digital assets is that they’re in the running for driving visitors to their platform. Since there’s an increasingly competitive marketplace, exchanges compete for attention, and one of the best ways to do that is by providing people with the opportunity of earning.

Teaching is a smart way to get individuals involved in their projects and eventually investors, even if in small amounts. Exchanges have the chance to make their voice heard while users have the door to success open, so everyone is happy.

Where Can You Learn to Earn?

Some famous crypto exchanges give people the chance to earn real digital goods by engaging them in various activities, from watching videos and reading articles to completing quizzes. When they accomplish all these duties, they’re rewarded with virtual coins deposited into their account. Nonetheless, don’t assume that these activities will enrich you overnight because they won’t. There’s a certain amount of crypto given in return, usually the crypto you’ve just learned about. Although the goods earned won’t make you rich, they’re significant for your portfolio and a potential short-term investment. Besides, if you’re a novice to the crypto world, it’s more advisable to try Learn-to-Earn first than jumping to trade or mine. It’s also an excellent opportunity to learn more about the crypto tokens that have grabbed your attention.

Одрицање од одговорности: Било која информација написана у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту не представља савет за инвестирање. Тхецоинрепублиц.цом не подржава и неће подржавати било коју информацију о било којој компанији или појединцу на овој страници. Читаоци се подстичу да сами истражују и предузму било какве радње на основу сопствених налаза, а не на било ком садржају написаном у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту. Тхецоинрепублиц.цом је и неће бити одговоран за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован директно или индиректно коришћењем било ког садржаја, производа или услуге поменуте у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту.

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/10/06/play-to-earn-learn-to-earn-unexpected-ways-to-earn-crypto/