Амерички продавац душека сада прихвата СХИБ, дозвољавајући корисницима крипто-а да замене СХИБ за лаку ноћ: детаљи

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Shiba Inu acceptance continues to grow as several companies now accept Shiba Inu as payment

U.S. mattress store Beds to Go now accepts Shiba Inu for payments, thus, allowing crypto users to trade SHIB for a good night’s sleep. As seen on its checkout page, the American mattress store announced it is open to receiving cryptocurrencies for payments via Coinbase.

Dating back more than 30 years, the Tennessee-based store also accepts Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and HEX as payment.

Shiba Inu acceptance continues to grow as several companies now accept Shiba Inu for payment. As previously reported by U.Today, Australian Energy company 1st energy, SlingTV and SuperJeweler are among the several businesses accepting SHIB.

In early February, Bitexen, a Turkey-based cryptocurrency exchange, announced the listing of Shiba Inu alongside five other tokens on its platform. Now, with a massive following and presence in the industry, SHIB has decided to expand its presence. A recent tweet from the SHIB Army revealed that they met with the former economic minister of Turkey, Mustafa Elitaş, to increase SHIB adoption.

Shiba Inu token burn continues at a steady rate

As reported by Shibburn’s official Twitter handle, ”In the past 24 hours, there have been a total of 6,341,324 SHIB tokens burned and 6 transactions.”

Првих 100 власника Схиба Инуа такође је повећало своје портфеље, пошто ВхалеСтатс извештава о порасту од 178.87% просечног СХИБ биланса ове категорије инвеститора. Просечна СХИБ вредност њиховог портфолија такође је порасла за 180.48%. И обим и активне адресе су порасле за 880% и 18.18% у последња 24 сата, показујући здраве метрике.

У време штампе, Схиба Ину се трговао за 0.0000228 долара, што је пад од 6.10% у последња 24 сата према подацима ЦоинМаркетЦап-а.

Source: https://u.today/shib-now-accepted-by-us-mattress-retailer-letting-crypto-users-swap-shib-for-a-good-nights-rest