Шиба Ину кит нагло премешта 1,999,998,709,228 СХИБ – ево куда иде крипто

A mysterious crypto whale is suddenly shifting trillions of Shiba Inu (SHIB) tokens as the top meme coin witnesses explosive price action over the past day.

Blockchain-tracking service Whale Alert reveals that a deep-pocketed entity moved a total of 1,999,998,709,228 SHIB worth $24.20 million from a popular crypto exchange to one unknown wallet in four separate transfers.

The transactions were made in a span of five minutes, suggesting that a single entity controlled that massive SHIB trove.

All in all, the whale paid a total of $6.51 worth of Ethereum (ETH) in transaction fees for the four transfers.

A closer look at the receiving wallet reveals that the large Shiba Inu trove was послао to a Gnosis Safe smart contract, according to blockchain-tracker Etherscan. Gnosis Safe, which рачуна itself as a trusted platform to manage crypto assets on the Ethereum blockchain, is a project from prediction market platform Gnosis (ГНО). It is possible that the whale relocated his Shiba Inu holdings for security purposes.

The transactions were also made a day before SHIB erupted from a low of $0.00001243 yesterday to a high of $0.00001554 on the same day, representing gains of over 25% in just 24 hours. SHIB has slightly pulled back since and is trading at 0.00001503 at time of writing.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Voger Design/WindAwake

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/05/shiba-inu-whale-abruptly-relocates-1999998709228-shib-heres-where-the-crypto-is-heading/