Старлаи Финанце, водећи Полкадот кредитни протокол, најављује 28. април за свој ИДО догађај – црипто.невс

Starlay Finance is a fast-rising lending protocol on Astar Network powering a novel model for quick and easy borrowing and depositing assets. Currently, the project has a valuation of over $400TVL in about two months, earning it the No.1 lending protocol spot on Polkadot.

The platform’s CEO, Neo, announced the commencement of the collaborated $LAY token sale through two IDO events with ArthSwap team. These events will take two different means and on different platforms, ArthSwap and Starlay. As for the marketing side, ArthSwap is in charge of this token sale entirely.

Метод један 

On the 28th of April UTC 11:00 AM, 2022, the first event will take place on ArthSwap LaunchPad, No1 DEX project on Astar Network, which Starlay Finance partnered with early in the year. There will be 0.5% of the total $LAY supply available on ArthSwap for purchase. The system is structured in a “first come, first serve” manner. This means as soon as the available supply is over, the sale has ended irrespective of the time allocated.

On ArthSwap, $LAY which is currently priced at $0.30 will be available for 48 hours at a 50% discount rate for $0.15. Within the stipulated time frame, a user can lock ASTR/USDC/USDT correlating to the amount they want.

Метод два

The second IDO event is scheduled to take place on Starlay Finance itself in the form of an auction. The event will differ from the first one in different ways. First, the price will not be fixed and will depend on the locked volume and token demand rate by the auction participants. Also, Starlay development team is developing an auction launchpad which will be integrated into the platform’s app soon.

To participate in the $LAY token sale, every user has to lock up USDC within the 48 hours of the event. These funds can also be unlocked and safely retrieved within the 48 hours. Also, the increase in participants, the more expensive $LAY becomes. As such, every user is allowed to specify an upper price of $LAY in advance, and if the price exceeds the cap, USDC will be returned automatically. But as a reward system, those who lock USDC without setting a cap will receive an additional 5% bonus, while users will receive a 10% bonus if they declare in advance that they will not cancel.

То значи да можете предвидети додатну награду до 15%.

With Starlay Finance, there’s More

Упркос томе што је млад тим, Старлаи је изузетно вођен тим професионалаца са дугогодишњим искуством. Продаја токена је корак напред у правом смеру, онај који ће временом донети више плода. Тренутно, ЛАИ токен није преносив, његова корисност је ограничена, али када буде, операције се могу значајно повећати.

The project has a lot of updates, partnerships, and new features in the pipeline. Some include the lending and borrowing marketplace, Makai, leverage feature to boost users’ APR, Auction Launchpad, Integration with Kagla Finance, and Muuu Finance, which enables $LAY holders to boost APR and Voting Escrow & Fee Distribution.

Старлаи Финанце је веома обећавајући пројекат на који треба обратити пажњу, јер је то била једна од ретких идеја одабраних за Инкубациони програм Астар мреже и коју су прво подржали Астар тим и низ компанија ризичног капитала. 

To know more about Starlay Finance, click: https://docs.starlay.finance/

Source: https://crypto.news/starlay-finance-the-leading-polkadot-lending-protocol-announces-28th-april-for-its-ido-event/