Синтхетик & Терра Цлассиц су највећи губитници Црипто-а – Стручњаци уместо тога предлажу протокол за снежне падавине!

It has been a tough day for Synthetix (SNX) and Terra Classic (LUNC), as both cryptos have seen significant losses in value. Experts are suggesting that investors switch to Snowfall Protocol (SNW) instead. This article will explain why!

Why Snowfall Protocol (SNW) Is The Best Crypto Pick!

Snowfall Protocol (SNW)  is a multi-chain transfer ecosystem that supports both fungible and non-fungible tokens. This means that it is компатибилан са wide range of blockchain protocols. This makes Snowfall Protocol (SNW) the ideal platform for investors који желе заменити имовину преко different chains. And with support for both EVM and non-EVM chains, Snowfall Protocol (SNW) is one of the most versatile protocols у крипто простору.

This is like how fungi connect different trees in the forest, forming a vast and inter-connected network. In the same way, Snowfall Protocol (SNW) connects different blockchain protocols, making it easy for investors to заменити имовину комуницирати са сваким блокчеином.

Synthetix (SNX) and Terra Classic (LUNC) are both somewhat popular projects, but they are limited by their компатибилност. This makes them far less useful for investors than a protocol like Snowfall Protocol (SNW), which is unlocking co-operability across the entire blockchain Индустрија.

Snowfall Protocol (SNW) has seen a раст од више од КСНУМКС% at the beginning of its presale stage due to its јединствени модел сарадње. неки Експерти are estimating that Snowfall Protocol (SNW) could potentially порасти за 5000% once it launches. Check out the links below to learn more!

Сајт: https://snowfallprotocol.io

телеграм: https://t.me/snowfallcoin

Предпродаја: https://presale.snowfallprotocol.io

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/snowfallcoin

Неки од most reliable market analysts are saying that Протокол о снежним падавинама (СНВ) има потенцијал да become a 1000x token. Stage 1 is already распродат. Фаза 2 почео on Новембер КСНУМКСнд. So, don’t miss your chance and join the Snowfall Protocol (SNW) community данас!

The Problems With Synthetix (SNX)

Synthetix (SNX) is a crypto project that focuses on synthetic assets. Synthetic assets are digital assets that are backed by real-world assets. Synthetix (SNX) allows users to trade these synthetic assets on the Synthetix Network. However, Synthetix (SNX) is complicated to understand by those who are not familiar with the concept of synthetic assets.

In addition, Synthetix (SNX) is not very user-friendly and has too much of a focus on a specific target market. By only providing value for synthetic asset traders, Synthetix (SNX) is excluding a large portion of the crypto community.

The Problems With Terra Classic (LUNC)

It’s no secret that the reputation of Terra Classic (LUNC) has been tarnished. After its stablecoin lost its peg, Terra (LUNA) lost its peg and Terra Classic (LUNC) is the old version of this failed project. Many in the crypto community are skeptical of Terra Classic (LUNC) and its ability to succeed.

In addition, Terra Classic (LUNC) is not very user-friendly. The platform’s interface is confusing and complicated for those who are not familiar with it. Terra Classic (LUNC) also has a very small community compared to other cryptos.


The only cryptocurrency that should be a приоритет, is Snowfall Protocol (SNW). The other two cryptos in this article are struggling and the право богатство могу се наћи у Протокол о снежним падавинама (СНВ)!

Одрицање од одговорности: Било која информација написана у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту не представља савет за инвестирање. Тхецоинрепублиц.цом не подржава и неће подржавати било коју информацију о било којој компанији или појединцу на овој страници. Читаоци се подстичу да сами истражују и предузму било какве радње на основу сопствених налаза, а не на било ком садржају написаном у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту. Тхецоинрепублиц.цом је и неће бити одговоран за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован директно или индиректно коришћењем било ког садржаја, производа или услуге поменуте у овом саопштењу за штампу или спонзорисаном посту.

Најновији постови аутора госта (види све)

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/11/05/synthetix-terra-classic-are-cryptos-biggest-losers-experts-suggest-snowfall-protocol-instead/