Година страха од крипто тржишта

Data shows 2022 has been the year of fear in the crypto market as investors have continued to display poor sentiment for around eleven months now.

Crypto Fear And Greed Index Currently Sits In “Extreme Fear” Territory

Према последњем недељном извештају од Арцане Ресеарцх, the cryptocurrency market could soon complete one full year of fearful sentiment.

Релевантни индикатор овде је „индекс страха и похлепе,” which tells us about the general sentiment among investors in the crypto market.

The metric uses a numeric scale that runs from zero to hundred for representing this sentiment. All values greater than fifty imply a greedy mood, while those below the threshold suggest a fearful air.

Outside of these two sentiments, there also exist two subset sentiments, the “extreme fear” and the “крајња похлепа.” These occur at values towards the ends of the range. That is, those above 75 for the former, and those below 25 for the latter.

Сада, ево графикона који показује тренд индекса крипто страха и похлепе током прошле године:

Индекс крипто страха и похлепе

The value of the metric seems to have been moving sideways during recent weeks | Source: Недељно ажурирање Арцане Ресеарцх-а - 41. недеља 2022

As you can see in the above graph, the current long spell of fear first started way back in mid-Nov of last year as the bull run died down.

Since then, outside of only a few spikes to greed, the crypto fear and greed index has stayed below a value of fifty.

During this period, the metric has actually spent a large amount of time in the extreme fear territory, meaning investors have had a deep bottom mentality in 2022.

The latest value of the indicator has been 22, meaning that investors are extremely fearful at the moment. This isn’t much different from the last week, which observed a value of 24.

The below meter displays where the current market stands compared to last week and last month.

Крипто екстремни страх

The fear and greed index points at extreme fear right now | Source: Недељно ажурирање Арцане Ресеарцх-а - 41. недеља 2022

БТЦ цена

У време писања, Битцоин цена креће се око 19.2 хиљада долара, што је пораст од 1% у последњих седам дана. Током прошлог месеца, крипто је изгубио 1% на вредности.

Below is a chart that shows the trend in the price of the coin during the last five days.

Табела цена Битцоин крипто цена

Looks like the value of the crypto has continued to be stuck in a range over the last few days | Source: БТЦУСД на ТрадингВиев
Featured image from Hans-Jurgen Mager on Unsplash.com, charts from TradingView.com, Arcane Research

Source: https://www.newsbtc.com/crypto/2022-the-year-of-crypto-market-fear/