Врхунски трговац предвиђа масивне скупове за Алтцоин испод радара усред крипто корекције - ево његових мета

An analyst who nailed the end of Bitcoin’s (BTC) 2021 bull market thinks that one low-cap altcoin could ignite rallies amid a flurry of bullish catalysts.

Pseudonymous analyst Pentoshi tells his 674,900 Twitter followers that he’s accumulating Synapse (СИН), a protocol that aims to enable secure cross-chain communication.

According to Pentoshi, the project will likely witness bullish events that could catapult SYN toward his targets.

“Before I go to bed. Thought I’d share how I’m looking to play it. Most important levels marked technical analysis-wise. Fundmental analysis-wise: I believe three or so catalysts will come in the next one to six weeks to propel it revolving around Synchain/DApps.”

Извор: Пентосхи/Твиттер

Synchain is a project that рачуна itself as a next-generation blockchain that aims to solve the issues scalability and security. At the moment, there’s no clear announcement suggesting that a partnership is brewing betwen Synapse and Synchain.

Looking at Pentoshi’s chart, he appears to have set multiple targets for SYN from $1.47 all the way up to $3.75. The crypto analyst also каже that he placed bids between $1.20 and $1.25 in case of a corrective move.

At time of writing, SYN is trading at $1.33, up over 4% on the day.

Looking at Bitcoin, the crypto strategist sees BTC falling to around $21,200.

„БТЦ current range.”

Извор: Пентосхи/Твиттер

At time of writing, Bitcoin is worth $21,800, a fractional dip on the day.

As for the broader crypto market, Pentoshi упозорава that crypto could witness a tough 2023 as regulators crack down on the nascent industry.

“Obviously this is going to be a rough year from a regulatory standpoint, as we’ve seen this week. All of this too shall pass. Bullish on the frogs [crypto market participants] overcoming the suits, and animal spirits winning in the end.”

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Moksha Labs/Natalia Siiatovskaia

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/13/top-trader-predicts-massive-rallies-for-under-the-radar-altcoin-amid-crypto-correction-here-are-his-targets/