Где купити Гримас новчић: токен у тренду након свађе Елона Маска и Мекдоналда на Твитеру

A new cryptocurrency known as Grimace coin is trending in social media after MacDonald’s said that it shall start accepting Dogecoin (DOGE) payments if Tesla accepts Grimace coin.

Following its first mention by MacDonald’s, the Grimacecoin has gained traction and besides it being completely new within the crypto sphere, traders are already showing interest in investing in the coin.

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To help those who are eyeing the Grimace coin, Invezz has created a brief article to help with identifying the best places to buy it.

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Best places to buy Grimace coin

As GRIMACE is such a new asset, it’s yet to be listed on major exchanges. You can still purchase GRIMACE using a DEX (decentralised exchange) though, which just means there are a few extra steps. To buy GRIMACE right now, follow these steps:

1. Купите БНБ на регулисаној берзи или брокеру, као што је Бинанце ›

Предлажемо Бинанце јер је то једна од водећих светских платформи за трговање са више средстава, размена и новчаник све у једном са неким од најнижих накнада у индустрији. Такође је прилагођен почетницима и има више начина плаћања доступних корисницима него било која друга доступна услуга.

2. Пошаљите свој БНБ у компатибилни новчаник као што је Труст Валлет или МетаМаск

Мораћете да креирате свој новчаник, узмете своју адресу и тамо пошаљете своје новчиће.

3. Повежите свој новчаник са СусхиСвап ДЕКС-ом

Идите на СусхиСвап и „повежите“ свој новчаник са њим.

4. You can now swap your BNB for GRIMACE

Now that you’re connected, you’ll be able to swap for 100s of coins including GRIMACE.

Шта је новчић Гримаце?

Grimace coin is a completely new meme coin within the crypto sphere. It came to light following a Twitter feud between Elon Musk and MacDonald’s.

Elon Musk, who is Tesla’s and Tesla’s CEO, had made a tweet saying that he would eat a happy meal if MacDonald’s accepted Dogecoin as payment. MacDonald’s CEO later replied by saying that MacDonald’s would only accept DOGE if Tesla accepted Grimacecoin.

The Grimace coin was designed from Grimacecoin which is “a rotund, purple being of indeterminate species with short arms and legs” within the MacDonald’s space.

Should I buy the Grimace coin today?

If you are a fan of investing in new cryptocurrencies, then the Grimace coin could be a good choice.

Nevertheless, you should be aware of the fact that buying the cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile. You should also be aware that some coins are created just for pumping and dumping by celebrities and you should therefore be very careful when choosing the coin to invest in.

Grimace coin price prediction

It is quite difficult to predict Grimace coin price since it is currently not listed on any major exchanges of data feed websites like CoinMarketCap and Coingecko.

$GRIMACE social media coverage

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Source: https://invezz.com/news/2022/01/28/where-to-buy-grimace-coin-the-trending-token-after-elon-musk-and-macdonalds-twitter-feud/