Зашто крипто мемецоин китови гомилају Тамадоге

What crypto are the whales buying? After the ongoing crypto market crash in 2022, users are looking for the best meme crypto to buy now. Currently, many whales and investors are looking to buy TAMA – a нови НФТ пројекат that is aiming to change the gaming sector by introducing DeFi (decentralized finance) protocols.

This guide will review one of the best new crypto meme coins and why whales are accumulating Tamadoge.

Why Tamadoge has Gained the attention of Memecoin Whales in 2022

The sections below look at 5 reasons why Тамадоге is gaining attention among the meme coin whales in 2022.

1.    Affordable Pricing

On the 25th of July 2022, TAMA launched its beta presale phase. Investors can buy Tamdoge for $0.01 per token, with a minimum purchase of 1,000 tokens ($10). To buy TAMA, investors can either purchase ETH or USDT, and convert their holding to TAMA coins. On the other hand, users can buy TAMA with fiat currency via credit/debit card payment methods.

Тренутно су рани инвеститори купили преко 100,000 долара ТАМА-е у прве две недеље Тамадоге бета продаје.

The low token price can potentially make TAMA one of the best low-cap crypto gems купити 2022.

2. Дефлаторни токен

One of the benefits of buying Tamadoge is that it aims to be a deflationary token. For example, coins like Doge and Shiba Inu are not inflation-proof – since they provide an increase in the number of tokens supplied over time.

Dogecoin has increased its total supply cap from 100 billion to 132 billion, making the supply increase compared to the demand. On the other hand, TAMA provides a decreasing token supply over time. Firstly, TAMA has a maximum supply of 2 billion tokens.

Moreover, 5% of all TAMA tokens spent on the platform will be burnt. This will ensure that the number of tokens reduces over time, increasing the demand in the long run. Therefore, the developers hope that the token can increase in value and potentially provide investors with higher returns.

3. Без пореза на трансакције

Another key feature of the Tamadoge cryptocurrency is that it charges no transaction tax to users who buy, sell and trade the tokens. For example, many crypto ecosystems will take a cut from users’ transactions to maintain the rest of the network.

However, the TAMA developers state that the ecosystem itself will generate revenue. This benefits the network users since they can retain a higher amount once their transactions are completed.

4.    Long-Term Investment

One of the main weaknesses of meme coin investments is long-term stability. While Bitcoin and Ethereum do experience price corrections, they have always provided profits in the long term. However, meme coins experience rapid pump and dump movements, making it a risky bet.

The unique feature of TAMA is that it is positioned as both a meme coin as well as a utility token. It functions as the Tamaverse – the P2E ecosystem where users can earn in-game rewards. Players can purchase Tamadoge pets – which are unique NFT avatars. They are used in competition against other players to earn TAMA tokens from P2E prize pools.

TAMA is also the payment method to purchase these NFTs from the Tama store. Therefore, there is long-term utility in the token. With the development teams’ plans to list the tokens on multiple crypto exchanges, users can buy TAMA now and hold it for the long term. Thus, TAMA is gearing up to become one of the најбољи услужни токени у КСНУМКС.

5. Планови будуће мапе пута

Finally, a good cryptocurrency investment involves researching the project and its future plans. Many whales will see TAMA as an exciting opportunity due to the promising updates the ecosystem will look to deploy.

Firstly, TAMA is expected to be listed on decentralized (DEX) and centralized exchanges (CEX). For example, a notable DEX, TAMA will be deployed on the popular CEX – LBank and UniSwap.

Apart from the web-based P2E platform, Tamadoge is also looking to release an Augmented-Reality (AR) by the final quarter of 2022. This app will retain the P2E dynamics as the web-based platform but offers easier access to Tamadoge. With several new metaverse apps coming up, this can potentially become one of the best NFT apps на тржишту.

Next is the platforms’ plans for an upcoming P2E arcade – which will feature several Tamadoge-related games and physical Tamadoge rewards to players.

Шта је Тамадоге?

Тамадоге (TAMA) is the native cryptocurrency and utility token of the Tamaverse. This is a decentralized crypto project which will boast several P2E gaming features – allowing players to earn rewards while participating in community-driven competitions.

Tamadoge pets are at the centre of the P2E universe – since these NFT avatars can be bought, created and bred to participate in games. Users will battle other members and compete for points on a monthly leaderboard to earn TAMA from various “dogepools”.

Apart from buying Tamdoge pets, users can buy items such as accessories and foods which can be used on their NFT pets. All these items will be purchased with TAMA, and the tokens collected will be split among three pools.

Firstly, 5% of the tokens spent will be burnt to increase the demand against the supply. Secondly, 30% of tokens will be used for marketing purposes so that the platform gains social media presence and becomes more mainstream. Finally, 65% of the tokens spent are re-distributed to the P2E prize pools and given to the top performers on the Tamadoge platform.

Ближи поглед на Тамадоге

Apart from providing several P2E features and NFT-centred protocols, the TAMA token displays strong tokenomics. TAMA is trading for beta presale for only $0.01 per token. The Tamadoge team has made 50% of the total supply available for this first token round.

20% of the total token supply has been reserved for future listings on centralized and decentralized exchanges, such as LBank and UniSwap. The remaining 30% will be available in the next 10 years via minting operations.

Currently, the Tamaverse is only at its infancy stage. Apart from the Tamadoge pets, this metaverse environment envisions a place for several AR-based apps, exciting earning opportunities with arcade games and even virtual dog parks in the plans for the future.

Корисници заинтересовани да сазнају више о пројекту могу се претплатити на званични Телеграм гроуп и будите у току. Администратори вам никада неће прво послати ДМ, чувајте се превара где имитатори копирају слику профила и име администратора или модератора.

Мин Инвестмент1,000 ТАМА (∼$10 + накнада за гас)
Мак ИнвестментН / Д
Методе куповинеЕТХ, УСДТ, дебитна/кредитна картица (преко Трансак-а)
Бета продаја се завршаваКСНУМКСнд септембар КСНУМКС

Како купити Тамадоге (ТАМА)

Одељци у наставку пружају корисницима детаљан преглед како да купе Тамадоге 2022. године.

Корак 1: Подесите крипто новчаник

Корисници треба да преузму крипто новчаник када траже где да купе Тамадоге.

На пример – корисници могу да користе МетаМаск – један од најбољи крипто новчаници, што ће омогућити корисницима да купе ТАМА током текуће бета претпродаје.

Корисници могу да пређу на МетаМаск и кликну на 'Преузми'.

Корак 2: Купите ЕТХ или УСДТ

Корисници могу купити Тамадоге са ЕТХ или УСДТ тако што ће га купити на крипто берзи и пребацити токене назад у своје Метамаск новчанике.

Такође је могуће купити ТАМА користећи дебитну/кредитну картицу преко популарног фиат он-рампа Трансак.

Корак 3: Повежите МетаМаск са Тамадоге платформом за претпродају

Следећи корак је да пређете на Тамадоге вебсите и кликните на 'купи'. Корисници тада могу да кликну на „Повежи новчаник“ и изаберу свог добављача новчаника да се повежу са платформом за претпродају.

Пратите упутства да званично повежете новчаник.

Корак 4: Купите ТАМА токене

Последњи корак је куповина ТАМА-е. Једноставно унесите износ ТАМА који желите да купите и изаберите „Претвори ЕТХ“ или „Претвори УСДТ“. Корисници треба да купе најмање 1,000 ТАМА.

Купите Тамадоге на Бета претпродаји

Коначно, корисници могу затражити своје ТАМА токене када се претпродаја заврши. Када се период претпродаје заврши, кликните на 'захтјев' на почетној страници Тамадоге веб странице.




Source: https://www.newsbtc.com/news/company/why-crypto-memecoin-whales-are-accumulating-tamadoge/