КСРП, Бинанце Цоин (БНБ) и два алтцоина са средњом капитализацијом трепере у биковима у једној метрици, каже аналитичка фирма Сантимент

Market intelligence firm Santiment is naming four altcoins that are currently witnessing bullish sentiment based on an indicator that gauges the overall attitude of crypto traders and investors.

Сантимент каже that the highest levels of positive sentiment are being enjoyed by XRP, Бинанце Цоин (БНБ), decentralized finance blockchain PancakeSwap (ТОРТА) and decentralized video platform Theta Network (THETA).

“Among top market cap assets in crypto, those with the largest positive sentiment right now are Binance Coin, PancakeSwap, Theta Network and XRP Network.”

Based on the weighted social sentiment indicator, Santiment says that the level of Binance Coin’s positive sentiment is at 225% while that of PancakeSwap is at 201%.

Theta Network and XRP are recording a positive sentiment level of 178% and 98%, respectively, according to the analytics firm.

Извор: Сантимент

Turning to smart contract blockchain Polkadot (DOT), the analytics firm каже that the 11th-largest crypto asset by market cap is witnessing the largest increase in positive sentiment in 19 months. Polkadot’s positive sentiment level is at 23%.

Santiment also says that Polkadot is currently ranking second in developer activity based on submissions to code repository Github.

“Polkadot is having a high level of positive sentiment this week, and an uptick in discussion rate over the past 24 hours. The 2nd fastest developing asset by its rate of notable Github submissions, is down 86% since its November 4th all-time high.”

Извор: Сантимент

Аналитичка фирма открила earlier this week that Ethereum (ETH) is ranked first in development activity over a 30-day period.

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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/08/26/xrp-binance-coin-bnb-and-two-mid-cap-altcoins-flashing-bullish-in-one-metric-says-analytics-firm-santiment/