Можете купити Полиматх новчић на овим платформама: порастао је за 144%

Polymath coin (POLYUSD) has taken the crypto market by surprise after it registered a 144% surge today.

The move comes as the majority of cryptocurrencies put their best foot forward today following a largely bearish week that has seen Bitcoin (БТЦУСД) which is the largest cryptocurrency by market cap, drop towards its June lows.

Да ли тражите брзе вести, најновије савете и анализу тржишта?

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According to a CoinMarketCap community member going by the name of WILD-DOG, today’s POLY pumping was triggered by a single whale.  WILD-DOG said:

“$POLY – Pumping triggered by a single whale.. not a gradual onset. Momentum continued by innocent victims.. Whale pulls 100% their investment. You are trapped! and waiting for a hope that there will be another bull run. Your investment gradually drained down the toilet.”

To help traders seeking to take advantage of the sudden Polymath price surge, Invezz has prepared this brief guide on where one can purchase the POLY coin.

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Best places to buy Polymath coin


Бинанце је експоненцијално порастао од свог оснивања 2017. године и сада је једна од, ако не и највећа берза крипто валута на тржишту.

Buy POLY with Binance today


ВазирКс је највећа индијска крипто берза. Почевши од 2018. године, ВазирКс је постао најпоузданија размена на индијском крипто тржишту. Део је бинанце групе, која опслужује кориснике у 180 земаља.

Buy POLY with Wazirx today

What is Polymath?

Polymath is a platform that provides the technology to create, issue, and manage security tokens. It spearheaded the creation of Polymath’s Ethereum-based ERC 1400 tokens.

So far over 200 ERC 1400 tokens have been deployed using Polymath.

The main aim of Polymath was to allow блоцкцхаинс to meet the regulatory requirements of тржишта капитала. To that extent, Polymath built Polymesh, an institutional-grade blockchain built for regulated assets.

The native token of Polymesh is Polymath (POLY).

Should I buy POLY today?

If you want to invest in a digital asset that has surged by triple digits today, then POLY could be a good choice.

Ипак, требали бисте бити свјесни чињенице да је куповина тржишта криптовалута изузетно нестабилна.

Polymath coin price prediction

Going, by today’s surge and the subsequent bearish correction, analysts expect POLY to try and recover today’s high of $0.44 in the coming days.

$POLY social media trends

Уложите у крипто, акције, ЕТФ-ове и још више за неколико минута са нашим преферираним посредником,



68% малопродајних ЦФД рачуна губи новац

Source: https://invezz.com/news/2022/09/09/you-can-buy-polymath-coin-on-these-platforms-it-has-shot-up-by-144/