800к ЕТХ излази из Гемини-а

On-chain data shows around 800k ETH has exited wallets of the crypto exchange Gemini, a sign that could prove to be bullish for Ethereum.

Crypto Exchange Gemini Observes outflows Of 800k ETH

Као што је истакао аналитичар у ЦриптоКуант-у пост, the Ethereum exchange reserve has plunged down to lows not seen since 2018.

"све размене резерве” is an indicator that measures the total amount of Ethereum currently stored on wallets of all centralized exchanges.

When the value of this metric goes down, it means the number of coins on exchanges are going down. Such a trend, when prolonged, can be a sign of accumulation from investors, and hence can be bullish for the price of the crypto.

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On the other hand, an increase in the reserve implies users are depositing their coins right now. Since investors usually transfer to exchanges for selling purposes, this kind of trend can have bearish consequences for ETH.

Now, here is a chart that shows the trend in the Ethereum all exchanges reserve over the last couple of months:

Ethereum All Exchanges Reserve

The value of the indicator seems to have plummeted down over the past 24 hours | Source: ЦриптоКуант

As you can see in the above graph, the Ethereum exchange reserve has observed a crash in the last day as a large number of coins have been withdrawn.

Графикон такође укључује податке за „нето прилив,” which tells us about the amount of ETH entering or exiting exchange wallets (or more simply, it measures the changes in the exchange reserve). Its value is calculated by taking the difference between the inflows and the outflows.

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This indicator has shown a huge negative spike recently, a trend which makes sense given the exchange reserve has plunged down.

The quant notes that these withdrawals took place on the crypto exchange Gemini and amounted to around 800k ETH.

Gemini is popularly known to be used by whales. In the past, transfers to and from the exchange have usually had a noticeable impact on the market.

As such, such a large number of coins exiting from the exchange can mean Ethereum’s near term outlook might be bullish.

ЕТХ Цена

У време писања, Цена Етхереума креће се око 1.6 хиљаде долара, што је пораст од 13% у последњих седам дана. Током прошлог месеца, крипто је добио 45% на вредности.

Графикон испод приказује тренд цене новчића у последњих пет дана.

Графикон цена Етхереум-а

Изгледа да се вредност криптовалуте померала у страну током последњих неколико дана | Извор: ЕТХУСД на ТрадингВиев
Истакнута слика од Бастиана Риццардија на Унспласх.цом, графикони са ТрадингВиев.цом, ЦриптоКуант.цом

Source: https://www.newsbtc.com/news/ethereum/ethereum-bullish-signal-800k-eth-exits-gemini/