Аналитичар Мицхаел ван де Поппе открива избор алткоина, каже да је наклоњен Етхереуму и три ЕТХ ривала

A widely followed crypto strategist is unveiling his top altcoin picks amid the crypto pullback, which includes Ethereum (ETH) and three of its challengers.

Мицхаел ван де Поппе каже his 611,800 Twitter followers that he is positioned for huge rallies in smart contract platforms Ethereum, Cardano (АДА), Лавина (АВАКС) и Фантом (FTM), as well as blockchain scaling solution Полигон (МАТИЦ).

“I’ve bought approximately 1.1 million FTM tokens around $0.21-$0.22 for around $245,000. Got some more longs on ETH, ADA, MATIC, AVAX totalling around $650,000 in longs.

Ready to sell for 30-150% profits. All are actually already positions and filled.”

Ван де Поппе каже he will exit his FTM position if Fantom drops below $0.175.

At time of writing, FTM is trading at $0.214, down over 8% in the last 24 hours, but still over 18% above Van de Poppe’s invalidation point.

The crypto strategist also shares a chart of Фетцх.аи (FET), a platform that aims to bring together technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain, to illustrate why he’s bullish on altcoins.

“Posted this one on FET [Fetch.ai] a while ago, but pretty much sums up my view on altcoins overall.” 

Извор: Ван де Поппе / Твиттер

Looking at Ethereum, Van de Poppe каже ETH trading below $1,000 is a massive opportunity for bulls.

“Triple-digit ETH is also a chance of a lifetime.”

At time of writing, ETH is changing hands for $957, down over 10% in the past day.

Он такође каже he remains bullish on crypto despite another round of pullback over the last 24 hours.

“Weekend moves are usually fakeouts. Still favouring longs more than shorts. Ready for them gains!”

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/studiostoks and Kundra

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/06/19/analyst-michael-van-de-poppe-unveils-altcoin-picks-says-hes-bullish-on-ethereum-and-three-eth-rivals/