Анкр постаје РПЦ провајдер за оптимизам решења за скалирање Етхереум Л2

Сан Франциско, Сједињене Америчке Државе, 15. јун 2022, Цхаинвире

Анкр, one of the world’s fastest-growing Web3 infrastructure providers, is thrilled to announce that it has become an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) provider to Оптимизам, a blazing-fast and low-cost Layer-2 scaling solution for the Ethereum блоцкцхаин. Following this partnership, Ankr is now an RPC provider to 17 blockchains including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Solana, and Avalanche.  An RPC enables various applications to interact with the blockchain.

Анкр протокол опслужује у просеку шест милијарди блокчејн захтева дневно у више од 50 мрежа. Анкр испоручује временски тестирану и РПЦ чворну инфраструктуру високих перформанси за руковање било којим оптерећењем захтева, масовно проширујући јавне РПЦ ресурсе Оптимизма. 

"Apps and integrations choose to build in the Optimism ecosystem because they feel aligned with our values and culture and appreciate the tooling and technical options available to them,” said Matthew Slipper, Head of Engineering at OP Labs. “In response to requests from our community, we’re excited to offer Ankr as an additional Optimism RPC provider".

Оптимизам користи оптимистичке скупове да би Етхереум довео до скалабилности. Подношењем података о трансакцији Етхереум-у док обавља обраду трансакција ван ланца, Оптимисм може значајно смањити накнаде и повећати пропусност док наслеђује Етхереум-ова безбедносна својства. Оптимизам је уштедео корисницима више од милијарду долара у накнадама за гас од свог почетка.

"We love what Optimism is building for the future of Ethereum. Ankr is happy to do our part to provide a fast and reliable RPC service for their users“, рекао је Грег Гопман, директор маркетинга у Анкр.

This partnership is also a major boost to dApp developers looking for additional Optimism RPC endpoints. Developers can access Optimism Public and Premium RPCs, make request calls, and query on-chain information that mirrors the results of running a self-hosted Optimism full node.

To strengthen the global Optimism network, Ankr is providing a geo-distributed and decentralized Optimism RPC composed of many independent blockchain nodes running worldwide for low-latency and reliable connections. Ankr will incentivize independent and enterprise Optimism node operators to add their nodes to the load balancer in return for ANKR tokens.

О оптимизму

Optimism is a leading open-source Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution. Its Optimistic Rollup network is designed to utilize the strong security guarantees of Ethereum while allowing apps to achieve faster and cheaper transactions. Optimism has saved users more than a billion dollars in gas fees since its inception. It boasts over $800 million in total value locked across apps like Synthetix, Uniswap, Perpetual Protocol, Curve and Aave.

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О Анкр

Ankr helps blockchain companies run their blockchains faster, enabling them to offer users the best Web3 experiences. Launched in 2021, the Ankr Protocol serves 200 billion RPC requests a month across 50 blockchain networks. In 2022, Ankr added the Web3 gaming SDK, multi-chain liquid staking tools, and App Chains to its developer product suite.

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Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/ankr-becomes-an-rpc-provider-to-ethereum-l2-scaling-solution-optimism/