Највећи Етхереум кит заради скоро 1,000,000,000 долара за мање од месец дана док ЕТХ пробија 2,000 долара

The richest wallet on the Ethereum (ETH) network increased in value by almost a billion dollars over the past 30 days on the back of strong ETH rallies.

According to blockchain tracking service Whalestats, the whale known as наруто went from a balance of just over $1.98 billion on July 15th to more than $2.96 billion at time of writing, a nearly 50% increase.

The deep-pocketed investor’s success is mostly due to simply holding ETH during the leading altcoin’s recent rally, as Etherscan открива that there have been no significant deposits into the wallet during the past seven months. The whale’s other crypto holdings amount to less than $670 total.

Over the same timeframe, Ethereum rallied from $1,287 to its current price of $1,901, an almost 50% increase and in line with the ETH whale’s gains.

Naruto currently has 1,490,000 ETH worth almost $2.85 billion.

Извор: Вхалестатс

The leading smart contract platform briefly surpassed $2,000 twice on Sunday, a level not seen since mid-May of this year.

Whalestats also Извештаји that overall, most of the 100 wealthiest wallets are behaving conservatively.

Looking at the top 10 most purchased tokens over the past 24 hours, Wrapped Bitcoin (ВБТЦ) and Ethereum lead the way, followed by four stablecoins with average buy-in amounts of:

  • $183,666 spent on 183,709 Tether (УСДТ).
  • $153,920 to acquire 153,998 US Dollar Coin (USDC).
  • $49,807 to buy 50,000 of Aave USDC (aUSDC).
  • $4,019 to net 4,104 Frax (ФРАКС).
Извор: Вхалестатс

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/ИваФото

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/08/16/biggest-ethereum-whale-makes-nearly-1000000000-in-less-than-a-month-as-eth-cracks-2000/