Највећи Етхереум китови ускачу у Фантом и два ДеФи алткоина који су ове недеље скупили преко 60%: подаци на ланцу

The largest Ethereum whales in existence are accumulating one enterprise-grade blockchain platform plus a pair of linked decentralized finance (DeFi) tokens.

Blockchain tracker ВхалеСтатс categorizes Ethereum whales as investors with at least 1,000 ETH in their wallets, and on average they;re currently interested in Fantom to the tune of 26,200 FTM tokens at a cost of $6,726.

ETH whales are also taking a симпатија to the DeFi sector, particularly the decentralized exchange and automated market maker protocol Крива ДАО. The heavyweight wallets splurged on average $21,166 to acquire 22,728 CRV in the past 24 hours, at time of writing.

The whales likewise jumped into Конвексне финансије (CVX), the protocol built on top of Curve Finance.

CRV has been on a tear this week, surging by 60% from a low of $0.63 to a high of $1.01. Convex Finance has likewise rallied in a big way, lurching 80% from $3.52 to a high of $6.36. At time of writing, CVX has fallen back out of the top 10 most purchased crypto assets in the last 24 hours but remains up 9% on the day.

Another crypto project making a splash is the Воо Нетворк trading platform, with rich wallets gobbling up 84,248 WOO tokens for a buy-in of $15,559.

Decentralized crypto lending and borrowing protocol Једињење saw an average of 22 COMP purchased for an even $1,000, while synthetic asset protocol УМА saw 249 UMA tokens bought for $652.

A trio of US dollar-pegged stablecoins also ranked high on the list, led by Circle’s Кованица америчког долара (USDC) with an average buy-in exceeding $1 million.

Whales grabbed $381,065 of Binance cryptocurrency exchange’s Binance USD (BUSD), as well as Bitfinex’s Tether (USDT) for $39,654.

Ethereum itself ranks 2nd overall with the whales spending $476,707 to accumulate 419 ETH tokens.

Извор: ВхалеСтатс

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/HilaryDesign/Sol Invictus/monkographic

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/07/06/biggest-ethereum-whales-jump-into-fantom-and-two-defi-altcoins-that-rallied-over-60-this-week-on-chain-data/