Купци губе кључну подршку наговештавају да је цена Етхереума 12% ризика од пада у наредној седмици

ethereum price crypto news

Објављено пре 7 секунди

The Ethereum price breakdown from monthly support of $1827 indicates this altcoin is poised for a longer correction. However, the falling price witnessed significant demand pressure near the 100-day EMA at $1766, indicating the buyers have not thrown the towel yet. Thus, in the coming week, the coin holder may witness a brawl between the buyers and sellers to claim trend control.

Кључне тачке: 

  • A downsloping resistance carries the ongoing correction phase in the Ethereum price
  • A breakdown below $1827 has set a potential fall of 12% to reach the $1600 mark.
  • Унутардневни обим трговања етером је 4.39 милијарди долара, што указује на губитак од 49%.

Етхереум ПрицеИзвор- Традингвиев

After giving a decisive breakout from the $1827 support of May 11th, the sellers failed to offer a significant follow-up indicating a weakness in bearish momentum. Today, the Ethereum price trades at $1803 with an intraday gain of 0.42% and continues to hover between the $1827 level and the 100-day EMA slope.

If the buying pressure persists, the Ethereum price may retest the breached support as potential resistance. If the sellers sustain below the $1827 level, the correction phase will prolong 11.5% and retest the combined support of $1600 and a long coming support trendline.

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The Ethereum price has rebounded from this support four times indicating the buyers are accumulating this asset at pullbacks which is a sign of an established uptrend. 

Conversely, if the ETH price surged above the $1827 barrier, the bearish momentum would weaken, but the traders would receive sufficient confirmation for recovery once the price breached the overhead trendline.

Тецхницал Индицатор

Индекс релативне снаге: A clear bearish divergence between the price and RSI slope peak of mid-January and mid-April reflecting underlying weakness in bullish momentum. Thus, the Ethereum price is likely to witness a prolonged correction to 1600.

Експоненцијални покретни просек: A potential bearish crossover between the 20-and-50 EMAs will encourage selling pressure in the market.

Унутардневни нивои цене Етхереум кованица-

  • Спот стопа: 1767 $
  • Тренд: Медвеђи
  • Волатилност: средња
  • Ниво отпора - 1830 и 1920 долара
  • Ниво подршке - $1700 и $1600

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Source: https://coingape.com/markets/buyers-losing-support-hints-ethereum-price-at-12-downside-risk-for-coming-week/