Домаћин Цоин Буреау-а прегледа ажурирани портфолио Алтцоин како се приближава спајање Етхереум-а

The pseudonymous host of a popular blockchain YouTube channel is letting subscribers in on his crypto portfolio.

With Ethereum (ETH) set to merge in the coming days, Coin Bureau host Guy is updating his crypto collection.

“Although I’m hedged against the merge not going entirely to plan, I am nevertheless confident that, well, it will. ‘Vitalik be upon us.’ As such, over the last few weeks, I’ve added some LDO [Lido DAO] and some STETH [Lido Staked Ether] to my holdings.

They now account for just shy of three percent of my portfolio. ETH, of course, remains my biggest individual holding at just under 41%. Now, a successful merge should be good news for LDO, STETH, and ETH, though I doubt I’ll actually sell much unless they really, really pump.”

The Coin Bureau host then points out ETH rival Solana (SOL) as the best layer-1 hedge against the merge failing.

“My focus has always been long-term and, to be honest, I’ve never really been one to trade. But, as any responsible crypto holder should, I have always kept some dry powder on hand just in case I spot a buying opportunity. Now, I keep mine in USDC [US Dollar Coin] and I recently decided to employ some of that in order to buy some more SOL.

Basically, Solana is a project I believe in despite its recent struggles and I wanted to hedge a bit more against any possible merge issues. Even if the merge goes smoothly, I still think SOL has room to grow.”


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Featured Image: Shutterstock/eliahinsomnia/AtlasbyAtlas Studio

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/15/coin-bureau-host-previews-updated-altcoin-portfolio-as-ethereum-merge-approaches/