Цоинбасе ће навести нову класу крипто имовине, прећи преко Етхереум токена: Извештај

The top US crypto exchange Coinbase is reportedly on the brink of listing tokens based on Ethereum-competitor Solana (SOL).

According to a recent report, the crypto exchange giant will begin allowing withdrawals of coins in the Solana Program Library (SPL), Solana’s smart contract token standard.

If enacted, this would mark the first time Coinbase offers Solana-based coins on its exchange, though it supports SOL and a variety of Ethereum-based tokens and other layer-1 crypto assets such as interoperable blockchain Cosmos (ATOM).

The anonymous sources said that the feature would be implemented in the “near future,” but did not give a specific date.

One source reports that popular Solana-based stablecoin USD Coin (USDC) would be among the digital assets offered by the crypto exchange. No other information about which SPL tokens would be supported was given.

Last year, Coinbase CEO and billionaire Brian Armstrong твеетед that the crypto exchange’s goal is to list every digital asset it’s legally allowed to.

“Reminder about how Coinbase lists assets: our goal is to list every asset where it is legal to do so…

We’re working hard to keep up with the incredible amount of assets being issued, and responding to and interacting with the amazing asset issuers who are doing their own hard work, day and night, to build the future of this industry.”

Solana is exchanging hands at $93.12 at time of writing, a 15% increase from its seven-day low of $82.38.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/ХУТ дизајн

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/01/29/top-crypto-exchange-coinbase-on-the-verge-of-listing-solana-based-tokens-report/