Крипто аналитичар предвиђа стрму корекцију за Етхереум Ривал Терра, ажурира прогнозе за ЕТХ и Аваланцхе

A closely followed crypto strategist and trader is predicting a sharp correction for Ethereum competitor Terra (LUNA) while updating his outlook on ETH and smart contract platform Avalanche (AVAX).

In a new strategy session, pseudonymous analyst Cred says that LUNA may have printed a massive bull trap after printing a fresh all-time high of around $120.

“I don’t like this structure. I’m just drawing a structure from the highest close, the December high, and then [the] weekly [candle] closed way above it. Made a new all-time high and the next weekly just bearish engulfed it…

That’s a range-high failed breakout. Your normal target for that is the range low… Your bias shifts only if the range high is reclaimed or if price reaches the range low.” 

Извор: Цред/ИоуТубе

According to Cred, LUNA may offer some support at around $60, but he highlights that the bottom of the range is close to $40, suggesting a downside potential of over 50% from its current price of $80.70.

The crypto strategist is also keeping a close watch on Ethereum, which he predicts will rally in the coming days. However, he warns that the rally will likely be short lived.

„Можда ћете завршити у ситуацији да се следеће недеље и БТЦ и ЕТХ скупљају, али то су скупови у отпору кластера… Не волим те врсте подешавања.“

Извор: Цред/ИоуТубе

The last coin on the trader’s radar is Avalanche. Although Cred says AVAX looks bearish after a failed breakout above $86, he notes that its market structure can still be fixed if bulls step up to the plate.

“I think the same logic applies where if you get an $86 reclaim, the likelihood that you get another fakeout is pretty low and maybe you get that final push towards $115 or at least through the high $100 or thereabouts.”

Извор: Цред/ИоуТубе


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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Фраме Стоцк Фоотаге/ЦХИАРИ ВФКС

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/04/17/crypto-analyst-predicts-steep-correction-for-ethereum-rival-terra-updates-forecasts-for-eth-and-avalanche/