Крипто трговац упозорава да ће пад од 50% погодити два Етхереум ривала, предвиђа велику капитулацију

A widely-followed cryptocurrency analyst is expressing bearish sentiment on two Ethereum (ETH)-competing altcoins.

Pseudonymous crypto analyst Capo tells his 263,800 Twitter followers that the prices of two layer-1 platforms could fall by over 50% from the current levels.

Starting with Fantom (FTM), Capo каже that the native token of the smart contract-enabled blockchain is flashing bearish signals when paired against Bitcoin (БТЦ).

Capo says that against the US dollar, FTM could drop to at least $0.35 in a three-wave corrective move based on the Elliott Wave Theory. The theory states that the main trend of an asset moves in a five-wave pattern while a correction occurs in a three-wave pattern.


Pair against BTC keeps looking bearish as fuck, and it broke the major support like butter.

Main target updated: $0.30 – $0.35.”

Извор: ЦриптоЦапо_/Твиттер

Фантом се тргује по цени од 0.7943 долара у време писања.

Next up is Solana (SOL). On a chart bearing no caption, Capo илуструје a bearish scenario for SOL by depicting the native token of the Ethereum competitor falling by around 49% to 55% from the current price to between $40 and $45. Solana could then stage a strong recovery after hitting the level last reached in August of 2021, according to Capo.

Извор: ЦриптоЦапо_/Твиттер

солана се тргује по цени од 88.69 долара у време писања.

Capo also doubles down on an earlier “capitulation incoming” упозорење by saying that the crypto markets will decline further as Bitcoin and altcoins are all flashing Медведев сигнали.

“BTC trend is bearish from the one-hour time frame to one-week time frame.

Altcoins broke major support levels and most of them made new lows, confirming that the February-April bounce was indeed a correction.

Leverage ratio is at all-time high.

Capitulation is getting more and more likely, and we could see 50-60% drops soon.”

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/ЛонгКуаттро/диверсепикел

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/05/05/crypto-trader-warns-50-percent-drop-will-slam-two-ethereum-rivals-predicts-massive-capitulation-incoming/