Крипто китови масовно акумулирају један алткоин који повећава етхереум, према аналитичкој фирми Сантимент

Crypto analytics firm Santiment says Ethereum (ETH)-scaling solution Polygon (MATIC) is now entering the sixth week of whale and shark accumulation.

Сантимент каже whales holding between 10,000 and 10 million MATIC tokens have collectively increased their holdings by nearly 10% over the six weeks.

“MATIC sharks and whales have been in a pretty big accumulation trend for about six weeks. The tiers of holders ranging from 10,000 to 10 million coins held have collectively added 8.7% more to their bags in this timespan.”

Извор: сантиментфеед/Твиттер

A shark is a crypto asset investor or holder who holds between 500 to 1,000 of a digital asset while a whale holds over 1,000 of that asset.

Santiment also says Ethereum rival Solana (SOL) is тренутно a hot topic on social media forums alongside Celsius Networks (CEL) amid high levels of negative sentiment in the crypto space.

“As we head into our final week of a shaky June, traders are doing their best to navigate the bear market. CEL and SOL are both seeing an increase in discussion, and the topic of cryptocurrency as a Ponzi schemes shows just how negative sentiment is.”

Извор: сантиментфеед/Твиттер

According to Santiment, “concerns” over солана made it a top-ten trending topic on social media forums. Solana is prone to испадања and just this year Solana has recorded 12 instances of downtime with three of them being major outages lasting more than two hours each time.

Just this week a Solana-based lending platform, Соленд (SNLD), put out a governance proposal seeking to запленити the crypto assets of a whale who was nearing liquidation levels and potentially thus putting the protocol at risk as well as “putting strain on the Solana network.”

У случају Целзијусова мрежа, the centralized finance platform last week заустављено withdrawals indefinitely, causing the CEL token to crash.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк / Дигитал Сторе

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/06/24/crypto-whales-are-massively-accumulating-one-ethereum-scaling-altcoin-according-to-analytics-firm-santiment/