Власници ЕТХЕРЕУМ-а и БИНАНЦЕ ЦОИН-а улажу у претпродају Тхе Хидеаваис ($ХДВИ)

Coins like Ethereum and Binance Coin have provided good opportunities in their 2020-2021 bull runs and have left a good impression in the crypto sector. But, before crypto, many investors had to rely on investment opportunities like:

  • traditional property
  • Заједничка средства
  • резерве

But the price of Ethereum and Binance Coin has been bearish for the whole of 2022, so what makes a good investment opportunity and why?

In 2022, a lot of coins are down over 90% from their all-time-high, which is making investors rethink their investment strategies.

Ethereum Price Prediction-What Should Investors Do

Ethereum is the second most popular cryptocurrency in the market. Still, in recent months, the crypto world has witnessed a considerable price decline.

Ethereum was trading at nearly $3523 in April and lying at its average value. And it was the month of June when tables got turned, and its trends downward to a lower of $993.64.

This shocks every person involved in the crypto world as in a matter of just two months, there was a devaluation of more than $2500.

There are many reasons for the devaluation of Ethereum. Still, investors didn’t hold up this coin for long and started finding ways to get a safe site. Since the news of The Hideways ($HDWY) presale broke out, many investors are taking a closer look at this big investment project as analysts believe it will be the best platform to get luxury property.

Price Prediction of Binance Coin – How Investors Should Cope With Them

Many crucial factors affect the price of Binance Coin currently. You can’t deny the possibility that Binance Coin will decline further. 2022 has not proved to be a good year for Binance Coin, as on the first day of this year, it was trading at $528.15. It was the time when the decline started, and the downward trend continued in the pricing graph of Binance Coin.

On June 18, 2022, the price of the Binance Coin gets to the extreme lowest of the year, and it falls to $196.96. Since that day, cryptocurrency has shown slow progress. However, investors are still looking for better investments than Binance Coin and are turning towards The Hideaways ($HDWY).

The Hideaways ($HDWY); Easily The Pick Over Ethereum and Binance Coin

The Hideaways ($HDWY) is in the news, and many investors claim it as the next 100x chance.  This is because of its huge investment platform and its unique features and potential.

The best feature is the two sources of passive income throughout the year from luxury properties. You will get it in crypto from ETH to USDT or USDC. The staking rewards are also one of the features that makes it a perfect platform for investment.  

The presale is making a significant impact as prices increased from $0.01 to $0.02 in less than a week.

Сајт: https://www.thehideaways.io

Предпродаја: https://ticket.thehideaways.io/register

телеграм: https://t.me/thehideawayscrypto

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/hdwycrypto

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/09/19/ethereum-and-binance-coin-holders-invest-in-the-hideaways-hdwy-presale/