Суоснивач Етхереума пажљиво посматра ова 4 новчића

Ethereum co-founder

  • Polkadot among the altcoins chosen by Ethereum co-founder
  • Ethereum’s PoS transition yet to be comprehended, says Di Lorio

Anthony Di Lorio is counting on four cryptocurrencies because of his association with their creators. The Ethereum co-founder has bought Cardano (ADA); Polkadot (DOT); Cosmos (ATOM)and Bitcoin (BTC).

In an interview with Kitco news, he discussed Ethereum, Bitcoin, crypto regulation, altcoins and CBDCs.

„Увек сам био одушевљен Полкадотом. Био сам одушевљен Космосом. Био сам одушевљен да видим шта Цардано може да уради. Сваки од њих има оно што сам видео као потенцијална ограничења или потенцијалне проблеме, али настављам да купујем само да видим.

I’m not in the inner workings of other projects and sometimes it’s difficult to spend the amount of time necessary to really dig in and really see where their potential fatal flaws might be, but projects like Polkadot… being done by Gavin Wood, another fellow Ethereum co-founder. Cardano with Charles Hoskinson. I have knowledge of the people behind them and I don’t know where they’re going to go with things but they are trying to solve problems.”

Di Lorio is optimistic regarding the future of new projects including the blockchains the above-mentioned новчићи are based on. He argued that even if these projects fail, there would be a lot to learn.

„Многе од ових технологија, без обзира да ли су успешне или неуспешне, пружају вредне лекције широм света да чак и ако не успеју или се нешто деси, то је као 'па, шта смо научили из тога и шта можемо да узмемо од тога?' и потенцијално су били веома храбри потези у покушају да реше проблем који једноставно нису могли да ураде. Не знам куда иду, али гледам.

The Merge and its impact are yet to be fully realized, says Di Lorio.

“I’m concerned with centralization risks of proof of stake. I think right now,  it’s been shown that there’s only two addresses or something that are accounting for almost 50% of all validating that is happening.”

“I’m concerned with entities such as exchanges that are having a lot of the strength and the validating that’s going on right now. It’s not a perfect system and who knows there could be things that come out that weren’t thought about that might lead to bigger risks. Let’s see what happens and comes out of this to be able to make that determination about which system is better.”

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/10/03/ethereum-co-founder-is-observing-these-4-coins-closely/