Етхереум (ЕТХ) конкурент Солана (СОЛ) отвара прву физичку продавницу у Њујорку

Солана (SOL) Foundation has opened its first physical store in New York City called Solana Spaces NYC.

Тхе Етхереум (ETH) такмичар потраживања it is “the world’s first retail and educational space dedicated to Web3.”

The Solana Foundation says the store is devoted to blockchain newcomers.

“Visitors will find a variety of tutorials, programming, and experiences for new entrants into crypto, often offering unique rewards for participation.”

The space was created in partnership with the Solana (SOL) wallet Phantom, the Web3 lifestyle app STEPN, the non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Magic Eden, the open-source NFT protocol Metaplex, the Solana crypto exchange Orca, and the NFT brand Degenerate Ape Academy.

Visitors to the store can collect their first NFT and observe an art installation that portrays a real-time visualization of what is happening on Solana.

Source: Solana Spaces

The store will also sell “a new set of Solana-themed and crypto lifestyle products” based on collaborations with designers, brands and NFT collections. Customers using the project’s peer-to-peer payments feature, Solana Pay, will receive discounts of up to 50%.

Solana’s native token, SOL, is trading at $42.29 at time of writing. The 9th-ranked crypto asset by market cap is up nearly 8.5% in the past 24 hours.

SOL, however, remains nearly 84% down from its all-time high of about $260, which it hit last November.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/иурии/Сенсвецтор

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/07/29/ethereum-eth-competitor-solana-sol-opens-first-physical-store-in-new-york-city/