Креатор Етхереум-а (ЕТХ) Виталик Бутерин открива на чему је настројен за 2023.

Vitalik Buterin, the founder of smart contract protocol Ethereum (ETH), is breaking down what he’s bullish on for 2023.

The crypto pioneer каже that he’s hopeful Ethereum will reach the “basic roll-up scaling” milestone in his roadmap diagram shared on Twitter.

Buterin says that milestone includes rolling out Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 4844.

Објашњава EIP-4844’s website,

“EIP-4844 introduces a new kind of transaction type to Ethereum which accepts ‘blobs’ of data to be persisted in the beacon node for a short period of time. These changes are forwards compatible with Ethereum’s scaling roadmap, and blobs are small enough to keep disk use manageable.”

According to the diagram shared by Buterin, EIP 4844 is part of Ethereum’s development dubbed the surge, which aims to get the leading smart contract platform to process 100,000 transactions per second or more.

Извор: Виталик Бутерин/Твитер

Buterin also says the “basic roll-up scaling milestone” involves “partially taking off training wheels” on roll-ups.

Roll-ups are solutions that execute transactions outside of Ethereum’s blockchain but record the transactional data. The две врсте of roll-ups are optimistic roll-ups and zero-knowledge (ZK) roll-ups. Optimistic roll-ups automatically assume transactions are valid, while ZK roll-ups run computations off the chain and then submit a validity report.

Buterin says partially taking off the training wheels podrazumeva a running fraud-proof or validity-proof scheme.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/poramet panjaroen/WindAwake

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/01/03/ethereum-eth-creator-vitalik-buterin-reveals-what-hes-bullish-on-for-2023/