Оснивач Етхереума (ЕТХ) Виталик Бутерин нуди подршку за Солана програмере док СОЛ улази у 2023.

The founder of Ethereum (ETH) is offering words of encouragement to the developers of rival smart contract platform Solana (SOL) as its bear market struggles continue.

The former billionaire каже that since the “awful opportunistic money” has been washed out of Solana, the blockchain’s future looks bright and he hopes they thrive from here on out.

“Some smart people tell me there is an earnest smart developer community in Solana, and now that the awful opportunistic money people have been washed out, the chain has a bright future.

Hard for me to tell from [the] outside, but I hope the community gets its fair chance to thrive.”

Recently, Solana and its ecosystem have been freefalling. SOL is down over 96% from its all-time high of $259.24 set in November 2021. The ETH rival is moving for $9.81 at time of writing, a 2% gain during the last 24 hours.

Јуче је било најавила that Matrixport, a crypto exchange platform, would be delisting Solana as well as all products associated with it. The firm went as far as to say that they won’t be listing any SOL products in the future either.

The delisting caused SOL and some of its associated digital assets, such as decentralized exchange (DEX) Serum (СПО) and liquidity provider Raydium (Раи) to dip as well. Both assets are down over 99% from their all-time highs.

However, SRM has slightly recovered during the last 24 hours as it is moving for $0.151 at time of writing, a 19% increase. RAY is valued at $0.145, a 2% rise in the last day.

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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/12/30/ethereum-eth-founder-vitalik-buterin-offers-support-for-solana-developers-as-sol-stumbles-into-2023/