Анализа цена Етхереума: ЕТХ достиже врхунац испод 1,275 долара, почиње да тестира подршку од 1,200 долара

Ethereum price analysis is bearish today as we have seen a decline from the $1,275 resistance and a drop back to $1,200 support. Therefore, we expect ETH/USD to drop further overnight and break past the $1,200.

Ethereum price analysis: ETH peaks below $1,275, begins to test $1,200 support 1
Мапа топлоте криптовалуте. Извор: ЦоинКСНУМКС

Тржиште се трговало у минусу у последња 24 сата. Лидер, Битцоин, изгубио је 2.27 одсто, док је Етхереум изгубио 4.26 одсто. У међувремену, остатак тржишта га је пратио.

Ethereum price movement in the last 24 hours: Ethereum forms double top at $1,275

ETH/USD traded in a range of $1,205.55 to $1,273.52, indicating substantial volatility over the last 24 hours. Trading volume has remained almost unchanged at $12 billion, while the total market cap traded at $147.91 billion, resulting in a dominance of 17.88 percent.

ETH/USD 4-hour chart: ETH prepares to spike below $1,200?

On the 4-hour chart, we can see strong selling pressure over the last hours, leading back to $1,200, which should soon be broken.

Ethereum price analysis: ETH peaks below $1,275, begins to test $1,200 supportv
ЕТХ / УСД 4-сатни графикон. Извор: ТрадингВиев

Етхереум прице action has traded with strong selling pressure over the first half of October, leading to a new swing low at $1,100 support. From there, ETH/USD reacted higher and began to consolidate sideways over the past week.

After consolidation area was established around $1,200 support and resistance at $1,275, ETH lacked clear direction. Resistance at $1,275 was retested yesterday, slowly leading back lower today.

Since then, we see Ethereum price action preparing to move lower, with the $1,200 support likely to soon be broken. Once that is done, we expect a swift drop to the $1,100 previous swing low. In case it is broken, we should see a lot more downside over the rest of the month.

Анализа цена Етхереума: Закључак 

Анализа цена Етхереума is bearish today as we have seen a decline since midnight leading back to $1,200. Likely ETH/USD will look to break even lower and look to breach the $1,200 support next.

Док чекате да Етхереум крене даље, погледајте наша предвиђања цена на КСДЦ, Cardano, и Крива.


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Извор: хттпс://ввв.цриптополитан.цом/етхереум-прице-аналисис-2022-11-16/