Анализа цене Етхереума наговештава пад од 5% пре него што купци покрену нови циклус опоравка

Ethereum Price Analysis

Објављено пре 3 сати

Ethereum Price Analysis: Amid the increasing indecisiveness in the crypto market, the Ethereum price has been in a sideways trend between $1827 and $1790. The coin prices show attempts to breach the aforementioned two levels indicating a narrow range formation in the daily chart. However, under the influence of a wedge pattern, the Ethereum price maintains its short-term trend on the downside.

Кључне тачке: 

  • The ongoing correction in Ethereum price can be traced by a falling wedge pattern
  • A potential breakdown above $1790 will set the ETH price on a 5% drop
  • Унутардневни обим трговања етером је 5.5 милијарди долара, што указује на губитак од 7.4%.

Анализа цене ЕтхереумаИзвор- Традингвиев

By the press time, the Ethereum price traded at $1793, with an intraday loss of $1.7%. With today’s drop, the coin price challenges the $1790 range support indicating another breakdown attempt from sellers to maintain trend control.

A daily candle closing below $1790 will increase the underlying selling pressure and may plunge the price 5% down to hit the lower trendline of the falling wedge pattern. In theory, this pattern is known as a bullish continuation pattern which recuperates the bullish momentum once the prices breach their resistance trendline.

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Thus, a potential retest to the lower trendline is likely to trigger a bullish reversal and initiate a new recovery cycle within the pattern. However, the ongoing correction in the Ethereum price will prolong until the wedge pattern is intact.

Therefore, for the Ethereum price to ride a sustained rally the prices need to break above the overhead trendline.

Тецхницал Индицатор

Дивергенција конвергенције покретног просека: The falling MACD(blue) and signal(orange) line project a sustained downtrend in the Ethereum price

Експоненцијални покретни просек: A potential bearish crossover between the 20-and-50-day EMAs increase the selling pressure in the market

Унутардневни нивои цене Етхереум кованица-

  • Спот стопа: 1796 $
  • Тренд: Медвеђи
  • Волатилност: средња
  • Ниво отпора - 1830 и 1940 долара
  • Ниво подршке - $1790 и $1700

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Source: https://coingape.com/markets/ethereum-price-analysis-hints-5-drop-before-buyers-trigger-recovery-cycle/