Етхереум види преокрет у расположењу међу институционалним инвеститорима како се приближава спајању: ЦоинСхарес

Етхереум (ETH) is enjoying a change in sentiment as the second largest crypto asset’s transition to a proof of stake (PoS) consensus mechanism approaches, according to digital asset manager CoinShares.

У свом најновијем Дигитал Ассет Фунд Фловс Веекли извештај, CoinShares finds that Ethereum is now in its ninth consecutive week of inflows after suffering outflows of nearly half a billion dollars from the start of the year to mid-June.

“Ethereum saw weekly inflows totaling US$3m and has seen a turn-around in sentiment. At the mid-point in June Ethereum investment products had seen year-to-date outflows totaling US$459m. Since this point, as there has been improving clarity on the Merge, Ethereum has seen a 9-week run of inflows totaling US$162m.”

Overall, digital assets investment market products recorded weekly outflows of $9 million.

“Digital asset investment products saw minor outflows last week totaling US$9m last week with volumes at US$1bn, 55% off the year average and the 2nd lowest this year, suggesting low participation from investors at present. The summer doldrums persist for now.”

Извор: ЦоинСхарес

According to CoinShares, Bitcoin (BTC) witnessed weekly outflows of over $15 million, the third week in a row that the flagship crypto asset was experiencing negative flows.

“Bitcoin, where the mild negative sentiment has been focused, saw a third consecutive week of outflows totaling US$15m. Short-bitcoin saw very minor inflows totaling US$0.2m over the same period.”

Извор: ЦоинСхарес

Солана (SOL) also recorded outflows while other altcoins witnessed “unremarkable inflows”, according to the digital asset manager.

“Other altcoins saw unremarkable inflows, most notably Cardano with inflows totaling US$0.5m, while Solana saw outflows for a second week totaling US$1.4m.”

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Издвојена слика: Схуттерстоцк / НектМарсМедиа

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/08/23/ethereum-sees-turnaround-in-sentiment-among-institutional-investors-as-merge-approaches-coinshares/