Етхереум Вхале изненада прави масивну куповину два алткоина за 104,000,000 долара: подаци на ланцу

A wealthy investor is wheeling and dealing a pair of crypto assets to the tune over of $100 million.

According to blockchain tracking service WhaleStats, the Ethereum (ETH) wallet known as БлуеВхале0208 made massive purchases of two altcoins within a matter of seconds just days ago.

Прво кит потрошен $11,992,500 to acquire 11,250,000 of decentralized crypto exchange Serum’s (СПО) native token.

BlueWhale0208 next shelled out a staggering $93.5 million to buy 3,046,875 FTX Token (ФТТ), native asset of the popular FTX cryptocurrency exchange.

Within 24 hours the whale started moving significant amounts of its holdings elsewhere. In addition to clearing out the freshly acquired SRM and FTT, the whale also unloaded $23,536,257 worth of ETH so that the wallet’s current value sits at a fraction above $3.1 million.

Other deep-pocketed crypto investors under the “BlueWhale” handle also recently made some major куповине. Last week, BlueWhale0117 bought $4.2 million worth of layer-2 scaling solution Polygon (MATIC) while BlueWhale0116 also gobbled up an incredible 7,112,942 FTT at a cost of $213.2 million.

Вхалестатс чува track of what the wealthiest 5,000 ETH wallets are invested in. While Ethereum itself remains by far the most popular digital asset in the whales’ bags, they also keep a large amount of the stablecoins US Dollar Coin (USDC) и Тетхер (УСДТ) on hand.

The whales on average also own a massive 2.4 billion of Dogecoin (DOGE) такмичар Шиба Ину (SHIB).

Rounding out the top 10 is decentralized oracle network Chainlink, with the whales owning 1,849 LINK tokens worth $16,072 on average.

Извор: Вхалестатс

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/yyeah

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/08/16/ethereum-whale-suddenly-makes-massive-104000000-purchase-of-two-altcoins-on-chain-data/