ГамеСтоп НФТ Маркетплаце покреће водећи Етхереум (ЕТХ) Лаиер-2 Блоцкцхаин

An Ethereum-based layer-2 blockchain is announcing that GameStop’s marketplace for digital collectibles has officially launched and is now live on its platform.

У изјава, ImmutableX says the American video game retailer’s non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace will give millions of GameStop players and GameStop Powerup Pro loyalty customers access to a wide array of web3 games and NFT gaming assets.

The marketplace, which allows for gas-free and carbon-neutral minting and trading, will offer popular decentralized games such as Gods Unchained, Guild of Guardians and Илувијум.

Says ImmutableX president and co-founder Robbie Ferguson,

“Our partnership with GameStop is an important step forward as Immutable brings the next billion players to web3 gaming. Today’s launch of the GameStop NFT Marketplace means that we can now provide access to millions of additional NFTs, more of the top web3 games being developed today, while maintaining a best-in-class experience for players.”

систему ГамеСтоп ваљани the beta version of its NFT marketplace in July after announcing its partnership with ImmutableX in February. The video game giant saw over 3,000 ETH in trading volume just days after the launch, easily outpacing crypto exchange Coinbase’s digital collectible marketplace, which only brought in 1,700 ETH in trading volume months after it went live.

ИМКС, the blockchain’s native token, is down 23% in the last month.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/лумерб

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/11/01/gamestop-nft-marketplace-launches-on-leading-ethereum-eth-layer-2-blockchain/