Ево најбољег сценарија за Етхереум (ЕТХ), према његовом ко-креатору

Етхереум (ETH) co-founder Anthony Di lorio is unveiling what he thinks could be the best-case scenario for the leading smart contract platform.

Di Iorio каже Scott Melker in a new interview that Ethereum ideally will bring massive improvements to people’s lives by creating an ecosystem that seeks to provide real value.

"I think something that can radically provide improvements to people’s lives in many different sectors by creating more efficiencies, by making things cheaper, making things fast faster, making things more user-friendly and showcasing that people’s resources can be redeployed in new ecosystems where maybe before they we’re not doing anything of real value.  

And when you’re not doing something of real value, new systems are going to come that are going to remove you from the equation, so how do we get those people moving into new sectors and industries where there will be value contributed into it? 

I’m an optimist… These technologies may create a lot of radical change and displace or at least remove non-value-added participants from the equation. But how do you then reposition those people into new sectors due to the technology and innovations that will help them to flourish and thrive? 

I think creating radical change and creating more efficiencies that help people in their lives would be what I would see as the end game for this technology.”

Ethereum is trading at $1,382 at time of writing. The second-ranked crypto asset by market cap is down nearly 3% in the past 24 hours.


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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/ВалДан22/монкограпхиц

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/20/heres-the-best-case-scenario-for-ethereum-eth-according-to-its-co-creator/