Велики Етхереум Вхале троши преко 100,000,000 долара на ФТКС токен (ФТТ), полигон (МАТИЦ) и три друга крипто средства

Data from a whale-monitoring platform reveals that one of the largest whales in existence is snapping up five altcoins including FTX Token (FTT) and Polygon (MATIC) worth over $100 million.

WhaleStats shows that the Ethereum (ETH) whale, with crypto holdings worth over $17 billion, purchased tens of millions of dollars worth of FTX Token, the utility coin of crypto derivatives exchange FTX. 

In one transaction, the whale купио 1,408,969 FTT worth $49 million at time of purchase. A second transaction тестера the crypto investor buy 1,049,990 FTT worth $36.51 million.

FTX Token is currently exchanging hands at $38.07.

The whale, which sits at number 557 in WhaleStats’ ranking of the largest non-exchange Ethereum wallets, also bought 4,250,000 MATIC tokens worth $8,79 million. Полигон, a blockchain scaling solution, is trading at $2.13 at time of publishing. 

Next up is AAVE, the governance token of the lending and borrowing platform of the same name. WhaleStats shows that the crypto holder bought 17,893 AAVE еквивалентно 3.67 милиона долара.

In a separate transaction, the affluent crypto holder also splurged on Chainlink, гомилајуће 61,401 LINK tokens worth $1.53 million. The native token of the decentralized oracle network је процењена на 28.14 долара. 

Lastly, the Ethereum whale also купио Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), a crypto asset that represents Bitcoin (BTC) on the Ethereum network. The whale gobbled 43 WBTC worth $1.80 million, according to WhaleStats.

In total, the whale spent over $101.30 million loading up on five digital assets. The large purchases were made amid a crypto market dip that witnessed the flagship cryptocurrency Bitcoin plummeting to a 90-day low of $40,672. Despite the downturn, many analysts Веровати that BTC will breach the six-digit mark this year.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Alberto Andrei Rosu/creativeneko

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/01/10/large-ethereum-whale-splurges-over-100000000-on-ftx-token-ftt-polygon-matic-and-three-other-crypto-assets/