Велики Етхереум китови акумулирају ланчану везу, серум и два децентрализована финансијска алткоина: подаци на ланцу

The largest Ethereum (ETH) whales in the world are accumulating decentralized oracle network Chainlink (LINK) and several altcoins that prioritize decentralization.

Према блоцкцхаин трацкеру ВхалеСтатс, the top 100 Ethereum whales are currently most interested in a pair of stablecoins and over a half dozen altcoins, with Цхаинлинк in sixth place and seeing an average buy-in of $186,693 for 25,576 LINK tokens.

Ethereum whales are also scooping up decentralized derivatives exchange Серум (SRM), spending on average $299,901 for 249,918 SRM tokens.

The wealthy investors are keen on the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, particularly the yield-optimizing protocol Иеарн.Финанце (YFI). The whales bought three YFI tokens for an average price tag of $25,883.

Децентрализовани агрегатор размене КСНУМКСинцх (1INCH) finds itself in 10th place this week, as the whales shelled out $3,020 to acquire 3,096 1INCH tokens.

Coming in second overall was ФТКС Токен (FTT), the native asset of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, with an average buy-in of $301,121 getting the whales 9,847 FTT.

Eighth on the list is Rari Governance (RGT), the native token of the DeFi startup Rari Capital, and the rich wallets bagged 1,482 RGT tokens for $10,240.

In ninth place is Племе (TRIBE), the governance token of the Fei Protocol which aims to bring stablecoin economics to DeFi. The whales spent on average $6,936 for 27,557 TRIBE.

Кованица америчког долара (УСДЦ) и Tether (USDT) are the two most accumulated stablecoins among ETH whales, with USDC actually taking the first spot among the top 10 popular tokens with an average buy-in exceeding $1.62 million.

Извор: ВхалеСтатс

Ethereum itself ranks fifth overall with the whales spending an average of $241,251 to accumulate 119 ETH tokens.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/ДомЦрителли

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/05/25/large-ethereum-whales-accumulating-chainlink-serum-and-two-decentralized-finance-altcoins-on-chain-data/